Nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!

Wow! Today I was blessed with a wonderful surprise, I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!versatile-blogger-award-2015

Thank you,, Cindy E. Owen’s with her blog A Writing Life for Me for my nomination. I am so honored to accept this award!! Thank you very much for being my follower and loyal reader. Congratulations on your Versatile Blogger Award nomination (and win) too!

According to the following rules…

The Rules

  • Thank the person who gave you this award.
  • Include a link to their blog.
  • Next, select 15 blogs that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

… I’m supposed to nominate 15 more winners of the Versatile Blogger Award. Here they are:


  1. Novels by Jennifer Hinsman
  2. Veronica Bale’s Blog
  3. Chris, The Story Reading Ape’s Blog
  4. Chronic Conditions & Life Lessons
  5. akrummenacker
  6. August McLaughlin
  7. Bette A. Stevens
  8. Blondiewritemore
  9. catnipoflife
  10. Kristina Stanley
  11. Suzie Speaks
  12. Kylie Betzner
  13. Jens Thoughts
  14. The Reluctant Cat Owner’s journal
  15. Walk On


Nominees – any questions, please just ask. There is no timescale to do this but please add a link to your new post below when you done it. The aim is to raise the profile of your blog. I’m looking forward to reading your answers.


Last task: 7 things about me

  • One of the best books on Earth due to critics, is James Clavell’s “Shogun”. And I can only agree.
  • I can’t stand Mexican food – and I’m not sure why…
  • I’m extremely scared of spiders. No snake ever scares me as badly as the smallest spider does.
  • My birth stone is garnet. But my favorite gemstone is sapphire.
  • I thought at a certain age once can’t fall in love as intensely anymore as with fifteen, when a break up threatened to kill. Recently I found out I was wrong.
  • I love cats. The bigger, the better. I’d have a tiger if I could. Since that’s not possible, I’ll stay with Maine Coons
  • I love flowers. For some reason my favorite flower is not the red rose as it is for many women, it is the yellow lily.

Feel free to share seven facts about yourself, even if you have not been nominated this time. I would love to read some of your answers. Sorry I couldn’t nominate all my followers and blog friends!

23 thoughts on “Nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!

  1. Yippee!! Good for you as well as those you nominated! Excellent choices!
    OK I had best wish you a very Merry Christmas and a spectacular 2016 now, because I am in the final run of year end tie ups. You are loved. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, Aurora. The first of many more to come as you are so very talented! Thank you once again for the kind and generous nomination. Regardless of my present circumstances, it will be treasured always.

    Liked by 1 person

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