How to develop a strategy for ebook sale promotions (Starting out as an indie author)

Ruth Nestvold published an article about “Indie Adventures”. It’s a great blog post and to me very valuable. I’m sure you’ll find the same.

Ruth Nestvold - Indie Adventures

Once upon a time, when I first started switching from traditional to indie publishing, all you had to do to sell books was to offer your works free on a regular basis and get a few thousand downloads. After the free runs, the books would be high in the Amazon rankings, which would provide the visibility to sell a decent number of books daily for a while until your book disappeared into obscurity again. My biggest income month as an indie author is still from those early golddigger days.

In that carefree time when I first started out, way back in 2012, even a *short story collection* offered free was enough to boost visibility and garner sales for the more lucrative longer works.

No more.

Now it is hard to even give short story collections away on Amazon (although they do still sell on other venues). And for a free…

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