Language Generator for Fantasy and Sci-Fi

Kristen Twardowski informs us with an exciting blog post about “Vulgar”, a language generator for Sci-Fi and Fantasy writers. Thanks so much Kristen.

Kristen Twardowski

I’ve talked about my fascination with language before, but sometimes writers need a little help creating words that make sense in their nascent worlds. I recently found something that streamlines that process.

Vulgar (pardon the terrible name) is a constructed language generator. The generator creates fully realized languages; if you were truly ambitious you could learn some of them. The program attempts to mimic real languages, so there are patterns to the words that develop. For instance, in 50% of generated languages, the word for “tongue” is the same as the word for “language”, and words often share roots as is the case for:

pson /pʂon/ n. paint; v. paint
psopru /ˈpʂopru/ n. painter

I’ve played around with the generator quite a bit and am highlighting a few sample languages below.

Vulgar Zulia.JPG via Vulgar

Vulgar Nahis.JPG via Vulgar

The above screenshots simply capture the summaries for the languages. The full pages, however…

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6 thoughts on “Language Generator for Fantasy and Sci-Fi

  1. O I have seen this in 33 years of teaching. You would be astonished the words created by 11th graders and the strange letters they use to write. They were astonished when I could not read a lot in their essays. “Why not ?” You’re the teacher . Don’t you understand English ?”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I created a language for the elves in my fantasy series, The Wolves of Vimar. It was an interesting, but time-consuming process.
    This sounds much simpler. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. It will go into my ‘Useful Websites ‘ folder.

    Liked by 1 person

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