An Unexpected Antagonist

‘The Council Of Twelve’ series is at a critical point at this moment. With the number of books, the tension between Good and Evil grows. The stories aren’t as innocent and romantic as they used to be. Of course, there is still a lot of love involved, after all, we are looking at the Good Side, Heaven,…

But also, there is the other side, and the tension in Hell has grown… Book 9 in the series delivers chaos, shows that there isn’t a mess mainly in the eternal fight, even Hell has its glitches and one of them is directed towards their ruler.

And here I need an Avenger… Alastor, the warrior with the golden spear. The Fighter for his master.

Alastor is a demonic evil spirit, very dedicated to the one who gives him a chance and entrusts him with a task that combines fighting as well as satiating his bloodthirst. However, it shouldn’t be forgotten, that this demon, as civilized as he can act, is still hard to assess.

Unknown and hidden he wandered among his fellow demon siblings, acting submissive and obedient, hiding his true nature and looks, protected by his master and commander.

He is not a fallen angel, like the Hellish Noblesse… he is a pure demon, but recognized by his Master, he is a secret weapon, for an emergency such as the situation that has occurred within the ‘Council Of Twelve’ series at this time. War… a war, worse than anyone on Earth will ever know.

Do humans know there is a war being fought among them? No

Do humans know there is the fight Good versus Evil still going on? No

Do humans feel there is something happening at this moment? Yes

They can feel the calamities, they experience the tsunamis, the earthquakes, the volcanoes, the hurricanes, tornadoes, the heat and cold, the fire, the temperature craziness…

In the meantime, the war goes on, the Archangels and Divine Warriors are fighting the darkness, the fear, the horror, the fire waves, the demonic influence, the legions of Hell with all their might.

There might be hope… but at this moment the odds aren’t good.

Do humans know that the Good side is fighting for them? No

Do humans know that their Creator, their Father, their Lord is sending them His angels to protect them?

Only the Believers… – only the believers…

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