Author Spotlight – Bobby Nash


Please introduce yourself.

Hi. I’m Bobby Nash. I write novels, comic book, audio scripts, screenplays, and whatever else pops into my head. I work in multiple genres, but most of my work falls in the thriller and crime fiction camp.

1.            When did you start writing?

I dabbled in writing and drawing comic book stories as a kid and into my teenage years. I also write and drew for the high school newspaper and yearbook. I also supplied comic strips to a local magazine that ran for twelve years. I turned my family into comic strip characters. That was fun. Eventually, I realized that while I enjoyed drawing, my art was not up to professional standards, so I focused on writing and eventually sold my first story to a publisher. In my 20’s, the idea for a novel hit me and I tried it. I finished a story, and it was awful, but I enjoyed writing it, so I did another, which wasn’t horrible. Eventually, it found a publisher. Evil Ways debuted in 2005 and I’ve been busy ever since.

2.            What motivates you to write?

Part of my motivation is to tell the stories. I do enjoy coming up with characters and plots and seeing how they work out, solving problems, and getting to know the characters. That’s what motivated me to start and it is still part of me. Now that writing is my job, deadlines motivate me. Deadlines are a huge part of my daily routine. When writing was a hobby, I could wait for the muse to strike, but as a career, I have to put my butt in the chair every day and write, even on those days I don’t feel like it.

3.            What genre do you write in and what made you chose this particular genre?

I am lucky in that I have been able to play in multiple genres. I like writing sci-fi, horror, super-powered characters, action, adventure, pulp, westerns, and more. Most of what I write falls into the crime fiction and thriller category. I love these types of stories as a reader and writer. I also integrate action into my stories. That’s just fun.

4.            What is your goal in writing? Do you have dreams where your writing should take you?

A few years ago, writing became my “day job” and I am fortunate to be able to write for a living. It’s not a wildly luxurious living, but I get by. I have many goals. I set attainable goals. Some are simple like “finish this story on time” while others are more long term like “I want to be a New York Times Bestselling Author” one day. Another goal is to reach more readers and introduce them to my work. I do a lot of things to try and reach new audiences.

5.            Do you ever suffer from writer’s block and if yes, how do you deal with it?

No. I almost always know what I need to write. There are times when I get stuck on a story point, but that’s not writer’s block. When that happens, I jump over to another story while my subconscious works the problem on the other story. What I do run into from time to time is that there are days when I just don’t feel like writing. Like any other job, there are days you’d just rather do anything else. That’s not writer’s block, but it is a hurdle I have to overcome. I schedule days off because we all need to rest and recharge. I can’t take off too many though. Those deadlines are still hanging out there and need to be met.

A friend once said of writer’s block, “Plumbers don’t get plumber’s block. Drivers don’t get driver’s block. Painters don’t get painter’s block. So, why should writers get writer’s block?” In any job, you can’t just stop. I agree with him. You have to keep working.

6.            What advice would you like to give new, hopeful authors?

First and foremost, I always stress that you should have fun with your writing. If it’s not fun, you’re going to end up resenting it and stop or your work will suffer because you aren’t enjoying what you do. That’s step one.

Determine where you want your writing to take you. Not everyone wants to write for a living. Some are happy to write as a hobby. Others do it as a side hustle. Once you determine the path that is best for you as a writer, set attainable goals to help get you there. Goal #1 can’t be “become New York Times Bestselling Author.” You need to have other goals like finish a story, finish a novel, write X number of words a day, things like that. Then, when you meet those goals, celebrate them. They are a big deal.

7.            Please, tell us about your work.

I write a few different series that come out at varying intervals. My crime fiction/thrillers from BEN Books are my main series.

Snow is an action/thriller about a former undercover government operative turned p.i. There are currently 6 novellas in the Snow series. They are also collected in 2 collected editions. There are also 7 Snow Shorts, $.99 ebooks available as well. More to come in 2022. I’m currently working on Snow Hunt, book 7 in the series.

FBI Special Agent Harold Palmer headlines Evil Ways (my first published novel) and the upcoming Evil Intent (January 2022). These are suspense/thrillers. I’m already planning a third book for 2023.

Homicide Detective John Bartlett and reporter Benjamin West don’t really like each other, but their jobs keep bringing them together against cold-blooded killers looking for their time in the spotlight. Deadly Games! is their first action/thriller. They return in Deadly Deals! later in 2022.

Tom Myers is the sheriff of Sommersville, Georgia, a growing county east of Atlanta. Evil Ways and Deadly Games! took place in Sommersville and now the sheriff and his deputies have their own series at last. There are currently 2 books in this mystery/thriller series: In The Wind and Such A Night. Book 3: Standing on The Shadows is slated for summer 2022.

Other ongoing titles include the pulp/action of Lance Star: Sky Ranger, the comedy/horror of Hunter Houston: Horror Hunter, and more. I also write the occasional media tie-in work, which is always fun.

Thank you for being my guest. It was such a pleasure to have you here!!

My pleasure. Thanks for having me. This was fun.

Meet Bobby:

Bobby Nash is not a man of action, a detective, or a hero, but he loves writing about characters who are all those things and more. Bobby is an award-winning author of novels, comic books, short stories, screenplays, and more. He is a member of the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers and International Thriller Writers. On occasion, he acts, appearing in movies and TV shows, usually standing behind or beside your favorite actor. From time to time, he puts pen to paper and doodles. For more information on Bobby Nash and his work, please visit him at,, and across social media.

Connect with Bobby:

Bobby’s Books:

Author Spotlight – Marjorie Mallon

Questionnaire for authors:


Thank you so much Aurora for the kind invitation to visit your blog.

Please introduce yourself.

I am a YA paranormal fantasy author who also writes poetry, flash fiction and short stories in multiple genres. I blog about a variety of topics, and review books at my blog:

1.            When did you start writing?

I published my first book about four years ago but have been blogging for about seven years. I think… I lose touch! Lol. I need that reminder from WordPress when they say Congratulations you have been blogging for …. years.

2.            What motivates you to write?

Writing takes you out of yourself. It makes you a much more perceptive person. I like that, I like to see the world in a new light and that fascinates me.

3.            What genre do you write in and what made you chose this particular genre?

I am primarily a YA Fantasy author but I write in multiple genres including horror and ghost short stories, poetry (all types,) and flash fiction (In which I’ve even tried a touch of murder! )

4.            What is your goal in writing? Do you have dreams where your writing should take you?

To entertain and my goal at the moment is to grow and develop and hopefully get some accolades along the way. Recently, I was delighted to receive two awards from Amazon Influencer and book reviewer N. N. Light who awarded the first book in my Curse of Time series Bloodstone with a finalist in the Fantasy category. She also awarded me finalist in International Author, which was a nice surprise and a welcome one.

5.            Do you ever suffer from writer’s block and if yes, how do you deal with it?

Rarely, if anything it’s more of a case of trying to stem the flow of ideas from getting too out of hand! But I reckon a good brisk walk using mindfulness techniques – being in the moment – and a touch of eavesdropping does wonders for writer’s block.

6.            What advice would you like to give new, hopeful authors?

Stick with it! It is easy to be disheartened and overwhelmed by it all. There’s so much to learn and not just writing wise. Marketing is the worst part for me but with the help of my friends I hope to overcome that. Word of mouth goes a long way, as it does in any marketplace, books are no different. So, big piece of advice make lots of author/blogger and book reviewing friends!

7.            Please, tell us about your work.

My most recent release is the 2nd in The Curse of Time series published by Next Chapter Publishing. 

Golden Healer is The 2nd in The YA Paranormal Adventure Series – The Curse of Time.

I didn’t think my life could get any weirder, until the dreaded rollercoaster…

Amelina Scott’s destiny is to be a Krystallos: a magician of light, chosen to learn the ways of crystal magic on her 16th birthday. Located on a river pathway in a mysterious part of Cambridge, the Crystal Cottage is guarded by mythical beings.

Unfortunately, there are those who seek to harm this haven of light. Learning of Ryder – a Shadow Sorcerer with hypnotic powers – Amelina discovers that her own magic is now threatened, and that the Curse of Time might be unleashed again.

As secrets abound and the creatures of the Chronophage come alive, can Amelina become the true magician she needs to be?

A unique, imaginative mystery full of magic-wielding and dark elements, Bloodstone is a riveting adventure for anyone interested in fantasy, mythology or the world of the paranormal. NOTE: this book contains mention of self-harm, mental health issues and alludes to the potential dangers of sexual attraction, which may trigger younger/sensitive readers.

It is a two part series but I may write a third… I’ve left the ending open for that possibility.

Next Chapter Publishing

Golden Healer (The Curse of Time Book 2)

Buying Link:

Bloodstone (The Curse of Time Book 1)

 Buying Link:


Kyrosmagica Publishing

Mr Sagittarius (Poetry, prose and photography)

This Is Lockdown (Anthology/Compilation



Lockdown Innit: Poems About Absurdity (Poetry Collection)

Amazon Author Page:

Contributor to:

Writing Skills Anthology

100 Ways to Write A Book compiled by Alex Pearl:

Chasing Driftwood’s A Year of Writing Through Lockdown:


Short Stories in Anthologies:

Bestselling horror compilations

Nightmareland edited by Dan Alatorre

Scrabble Boy (short story)

Spellbound edited by Dan Alatorre

The Twisted Sisters (short story)

Wings & Fire  edited by Dan Alatorre

The Great Pottoo (short story)



My alter ego is MJ – Mary Jane from Spiderman. I love superheros!

M J Mallon was born in Lion city Singapore, a passionate Scorpio with the Chinese Zodiac sign of a lucky rabbit. She spent her early childhood in Hong Kong. During her teen years, she returned to her father’s childhood home, Edinburgh where she spent many happy years, entertained and enthralled by her parents’ vivid stories of living and working abroad. Perhaps it was during these formative years that her love of storytelling began bolstered by these two vivid raconteurs. She counts herself lucky to have travelled to many far-flung destinations and this early wanderlust has fuelled her present desire to emigrate abroad. Until that wondrous moment, it’s rumoured that she lives in the UK, in the Venice of Cambridge with her six-foot hunk of a rock god husband. Her two enchanting daughters have flown the nest but often return with a cheery smile.

M J’s motto is to Do what Your Heart Desires.

And her favourite genre to write is fantasy/magical realism because life should always be sprinkled with a liberal dash of extraordinarily imaginative magic!

Connect with Marjorie:

Authors Website:
Authors Amazon Page:

Buy Link Bloodstone (multiple platforms):

Next Chapter Publishing Author Page:
Twitter: @Marjorie_Mallon – 

Authors Bloggers Rainbow Support Club on Facebook


Author Instagram:


Thank you for being my guest. It was such a pleasure to have you here!!

Thank you so much Aurora, I really appreciate it.

Author Spotlight – Isabella Steel


Please introduce yourself.

My name is Isabella Steel. My wife and I live in Oceanside, California.  Bonnie is a cellist. We both love to garden, raise chickens and Koi. We have a maltipoo, named Bella and a Shiatsu mix named Cookie.

1.            When did you start writing?

I began writing seriously about seven years ago when I was in the hospital for an extended time. Ironically the book I was working on then, Ghost Witch, was just released this past September.


2.            What motivates you to write?

It is quite fun for me to create a world that people can escape into.  If someone can forget their troubles and lose themselves in my writing I consider that to be the ultimate compliment. It is what I aim for when I write. Publishing is secondary.

3.            What genre do you write in and what made you chose this particular genre?

I have written in multiple genres. Fantasy, Horror, Political Thrillers and Science Fiction. A story comes to me and I am off running to make it work.

4.            What is your goal in writing? Do you have dreams where your writing should take you?

I want the reader to be able to forget their surroundings, feel as if the characters are real enough to interact with them.  As a child I always loved that feeling of getting lost in a book, totally unable to put it down. I want others to feel that way too.

5.            Do you ever suffer from writer’s block and if yes, how do you deal with it?

Oh, Fates yes. I hate being stuck, almost as much as having to leave the writing to break the logjam.  I find putting it down for a while and going out to the chicken coop and koi pond for a while helps. Gardening is another tool. Nothing clears my mind better than digging bulbs in the dirt and listening to the birds.

6.            What advice would you like to give new, hopeful authors?

Write for yourself. Pay attention to your craft, there is a lot to learn in getting that story out of your head and on pages for readers. Talk to other authors, they have tricks and info you never think of. Use Beta-readers, you just get to close to your work.

7. Tell us about your work

Ghost Witch is part Native American folklore and part horror story with a unique timeline. While researching the locale I came across the Passamaquoddy legend and it fit right in.  You have to admit the legend is more than scary, of course I added more macabre elements but I felt it was worth writing.

Laying out the backstory for the legend was paramount to the present day characters and how they interact with the Ghost Witch. Using the history of the property allowed me to present those facts without appearing as exposition.

I hope, the readers of Ghost Witch will understand that lesbians are just like anyone else. We love, worry, hate just like everyone else. Sexuality should NOT be a defining factor regarding CHARACTER.  All my stories reinforce that theme.  Powerful people who are women and also lesbian.  In “The Silicon Gambit”  both the protagonist and the vice-president are lesbians.

I did research by spending a month reading books on the Passamaquoddy, the native americans of that area and others.   The Mi’kmaq called themselves L’nu’k, meaning “the people

Connect with Isabella




Linked In:


My Website




Isabella’s books:

Life And Weather

Picture courtesy of

When I read that quote it didn’t go out of my head for quite some time. The quote made me realize that currently I am forced to dance in the rain. I could imagine to many people this quote means many things. To me, currently, it means to live one of my strengths: resilience. I have to adjust to the difficulties that life challenges us with at times.

What, if we were spoiled at all times, never challenged, nothing ever changes? Besides being bored, wouldn’t we forget how to be grateful for what we have; for the comfortability in our life? I think, sometimes we need a ‘rainy day’, or overcast, otherwise we couldn’t appreciate the sunshine anymore.

Going through rough times doesn’t mean ‘giving up’, or being forced to give up. It means, fighting for what we had, what we want, what we desire to have, or have back. Sure, I could have sat there and hoped the ‘storm would pass’. But I didn’t know what would be after the storm: would the sunshine be back? Or would there be a flood, and I’d be forced to swim, after having lost everything?

After everything that floated into my direction, I found it made more sense to learn how to dance in the rain. And that’s when I decided to read the ‘signs’ life showed me… the bad weather forecast, so to speak, and start swimming into a new direction… I am going to dance in the rain for a while, and then I will see, where the sunshine is going to lead me, and what miracles and wonders it will show me in the future.

I look forward to meeting you by the one or other puddle, or, maybe, somewhere soon, when I will see the sunbeams.

Picture courtesy of

Vivian Greene is a visionary, artist, author and entrepreneur who spreads her messages of greater love and awareness to everyone on the planet.

Her intrinsic values are recognized by business moguls who seek her advice and major corporations who are encouraged to balance the highest good with the bottom line.

Vivian also enables artists, authors, photographers, speakers and visionaries to serve others and prosper by turning their works into inspiring products. This is your chance to dance in the rain with her and see this world be the best it can be:

Author Spotlight – Welcome Back Allan Hudson

It is a very special pleasure for me to welcome you back on ‘Writer’s Treasure Chest’. In your former visits we learned about your writing, your writing process and asked for some advice. But there are so many more questions to ask!

Allan Hudson

Let’s see what you can tell us today:

  • Would you please describe your writer’s spot?

My writing spot has changed since my last visit to your popular website Aurora. Previously I had converted my garage to office space to write in. Having sold our house and moved back to the city, I have a separate room where I write. I have all I need, my computer, favorite books, reference books, printer, scanner and I’m close to the coffee pot.

  • Is there a particular plan or schedule you follow with your writing?

I’m much like most folks, a creature of habit. I like writing in the morning. My day starts early and after answering emails and doing the social media thing, I write for several hours almost daily. I like quiet and I find mornings the most productive.

  • Do you think writers often are ‘introverted’ people, preferring to be alone rather than in company?

An interesting question, Aurora. Because writing is a solitary exercise, we are often cast as being introverted and there may be something to the idea. Myself, I enjoy my own company and am not worried about being alone. However, I do like meeting people and my previous career in sales and self-employment meant being extroverted and mingling with folks. I don’t think all writers are introverted.

  • Do you publicly speak or have readings, and if yes, do you have any advice for beginners?

I have participated in readings and I do enjoy such events. With Covid, readings now take place on Zoom or other similar avenues at which I am not comfortable with but I look forward to live events as soon as possible. I do enjoy public speaking. Beginners face the uncertainty of being accepted or their stories liked and it’s normal. My advice is to look for opportunities and it is never as bad as you imagine. Most crowds are warm and receptive.

  • There are so many scams out there for writers and upcoming authors. Did you ever have experience with any of it and do you have advice on how to not get trapped?

This makes me sad. There are so many unethical people wanting to take advantage of our hopes and dreams and a person has to be extremely careful of the idle promises. The best advice here is to befriend another author or writer or through an association of writers and get advice from someone experienced. Don’t make any moves until you do so.

  • Do you have a particular marketing strategy for your books?

It is my one weakness when wanting to sell books. I’m no marketing guru nor do I have a bottomless pile of money to promote my book. I stick with a website, FaceBook, Amazon, and Twitter. I try not to badger my followers with just “buy my book” but inform them of my writing journey and the stories I have to offer. Nothing glamourous, other than neat websites and fellow authors who make an effort to share others’ work. Like you, Aurora. Thank you for this.

  • Did you publish more of your work since your last visit here? If yes, please tell us about it.

Since then, I’ve published the second book in the Jo Naylor series – Shattered Lives. The third book in the Drake Alexander Adventure series – Vigilantes. I’ve been involved in an anthology – Autumn Paths – which was a lot of fun. I’m humbled to be part of the anthology alongside authors I admire and respect. I recently released my latest novella – Father. Based on true events, I changed names and settings. It has been the most fun to write. There has been a terrific response to date and I am anxiously awaiting paperbacks.

Thank you for being my guest. It was such a pleasure to have you here!!

Thank you, Aurora. So much fun being here.

Connect with Allan:

Allan’s Books:

(Click on the cover to read more or buy)

THE BEST OF WRITER BEWARE: 2021 IN REVIEW – Written By Victoria Strauss

For quite a while now I kept re-blogging warnings of scams and fraud in the literary world, most of them written by Victoria Strauss in the ‘Writer Beware’ blog. I thought it a great idea that she posted a review of 2021, and I decided to share that post too. It might help some of us to escape a trap or two.

Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware®

Ah, 2021. The year that was supposed to deliver us from the pandemic, and instead delivered…well. You know.

At least one expectation didn’t change: scammers gonna scam. Writer Beware was ready. Below are highlights of a busy year of scam hunting, scheme exposing, contract analyzing, and just plain crazy stuff.
IT CAME FROM OVERSEASI know I’m kind of a broken record here, because I’ve written so many posts about them…but the tsunami of publishing/marketing/fake literary agency scams out of the Philippines really is one of the realest and most present dangers for self- and small press-published writers, who are almost exclusively these scammers’ target.

Scam Alert: Chapters Media & Advertising and Its Stable of Imaginary Literary AgentsThis was one of the more elaborate of the Philippines-based scam efforts: the creation of a large roster of fictitious literary agents, complete with fake resumes and/or websites. The “agents” are fronts for referrals to paid services.


A Special Day To Celebrate Me

It’s January 7, once again. And, as usual, I’m 29 years old today. It’s 2022, and I planned to start this year with a trip down a new road, and I’m pretty busy packing up and starting a new adventure. This wasn’t prepared for long, but I’m intensely working on getting everything done because I’ll be on the road next week.

I will take my time and enjoy the drive into the future, looking at it as a symbol for a new start. I’m convinced this is a time full of wonders, miracles, and, finally, happiness.

I’ll start my trip, together with my kitties, and I will enjoy every mile of it. I will look into that adventure with a smile, and I won’t care about the 29th birthday because this year will be my year, and I’ll experience interesting, thrilling, and exciting things! You will find out. But first, I’ll be on the road for a while.

Picture courtesy of

But for the moment, maybe you can help me celebrate my birthday by sharing my books? I’d really appreciate it if you could share them, whenever and wherever you can. As a birthday wish, this is huge for me!


After long years in the line of duty as a ‘Soul Taker,’ Kate is worn out.

When she gets a new job offer from the ‘Powers Above,’ she accepts her new job as a Guardian gratefully without knowing that her teacher is one of the most powerful beings in existence, the Archangel Raphael.

Along with Raphael, she takes on her new task and the connection between them grows.

Raphael helps, protects and supports Kate, but suddenly, she becomes a target for the Demons of Hell.

Raphael realizes that Kate means more to him than he expected, which causes him to fight furiously against danger. If he fails, Kate’s future will contain eternal darkness, Evil, and torture.


Sundance is a promising young Warrior Angel, the first in centuries to join the Divine Army. With the help of one of the most powerful Archangels, her skill and talent develop, allowing her to master some of the most difficult tasks that face her kind.

Sundance, under the supervision of the ‘Council of Twelve’, seeks to prove that she deserves her unusual gifts in the eternal fight between good and Evil. Follow her adventures as she discovers love, fights the good fight, and finds herself in the heat of battle trying to keep her wings from being singed.


Zepheira is the best Demon Tracker working for the Good side. With her unusual looks, her phenomenal sense of smell, and her bravery, she quickly draws ‘The Big 7’s attention to her talent. They hire her to find one of them. Leaving her familiar surroundings and regular work environment unsettles Zepheira at first. But the challenge to prove herself and to increase the reputation of her infallibility tempts her. She is convinced she will be a great asset to ‘The Big 7’. Little does she know she will be a much greater asset in Heaven’s fight against Evil. Zepheira suddenly becomes more than a hired tracker. She finds herself an important pawn in the game of love, heat, and fire. Will her courage and sacrifice be sufficient to dance with the flames?

Bounty Hunter

When Centriel roams the Earth in a dark mood and atypical despair, in a mountain clearing, far from humankind, he unexpectedly discovers a runner, followed by a petite hunter. The way the woman treats the giant fugitive amuses the Archangel, but he quickly learns that neither of them are what they seem to be.

Simin Arnatt is an extraordinary woman. Her occupation as a Bounty Hunter takes her all over the world, as she follows her prey to the most unusual places. She would have never expected to meet the famous Centriel while on a hunt. When he offers to help her, she feels the enormous attraction, but she knows, with the secret she holds, she could never dare to hope for love.

Neither of them could guess that with her next assignment, Hell is breaking loose…

That’s one of my wishes… to bring my books to the reader’s heart.

I would love to hear how you like the stories around ‘The Council Of Twelve.’

Thank you for making this day special for me.

Picture courtesy of

Promote on ‘Writer’s Treasure Chest’ – in 2022

It’s 2022 and ‘Writer’s Treasure Chest’ is seven years old.

I am very proud to have this blog up and its success and progress grew significantly. I thank all followers and readers for making this such a pleasurable experience and a great adventure for me.

There is, however, one thing that I’d like to extend even more: The chance for many other writers to use “Writer’s Treasure Chest” as a promotional platform.

  • Do you feel like trying how it is to publish blog posts?
  • Do you have anything important to say?
  • Would you like to show up on this blog?
  • Do you have a book to promote?

Use “Writer’s Treasure Chest” and contact me for

  • a Blog Tour
  • a “Featured Author Interview”
  • a “Guest Post”

So many things are possible, and I’d like to give you a chance to introduce yourself and your work here!

For once I used the contact form within a blog post and hope you will use it!

Generally, ‘Writer’s Treasure Chest’ does have a contact form on the right side, as a widget.

It is always there! Check it out and contact me, I’ll be delighted to work with you on your plans, your guest post, your blog tour, or send you the sheet with the interview questions!

I will be proud to have you as a guest on ‘Writer’s Treasure Chest’.