Tangled Tales: Snow Mountain – Written By Juliette Kings

Image courtesy of Pinterest.com

I just read this amazing, thrilling, and unique story written by Juliette Kings (aka Vampire Maman), a friend of mine, talented author, and wonderful Mom. I admire her for many things, and this story is one to tell! Enjoy it!

Snow Mountain

I usually don’t answer my phone when I see a number I don’t recognize but I was expecting a call from a big potential client. If I got this contact it would pay for my daughter’s first year in graduate school with maybe some left over.

Me: Hello this is Astrid.

My caller: Hi Astrid, I met your son Sam the other day at the Disk Bay Observatory. He told me you’d painted the mural in the lobby. Your work is beautiful.

It wasn’t Louanne Freeman, the woman who wanted half a dozen insanely expensive and historic paintings restored. 

Me: Who is this?

My caller: Nevil Simon.

Me: Oh my goodness. goodness. Nev Simon.

He went on a bit about what he’d been doing for the past thirty five years. Just a bit. Astrophysics. Divorce. No kids. Two cats. He’d looked up my online portfolio. 

Nevil Simon wanted to see me. Let’s back up a bit. I’m a 60 year old widow with three kids who are all out of the house, but still in college. Nevil Simon, an old flame from my college days contacted me. Yes, that Nevil. The one I never talked about but never forgot. 

We met in at his cabin in Tahoe. The weather was perfect, but we still ended up spending most of our time inside.

On the last night there, over steaks and a nice bottle of Zinfandel, Nevil smiled and took my hand. I looked into his big brown eyes, with those long lashes, and thought he was going to tell me something horribly romantic. 

“Some friends of mine invited me to go with them to the Snow Mountain Wilderness to find Bigfoot. Come with us. It will be fun,” he said. “A real adventure.”

Maybe at my age I shouldn’t be thinking of romance.

“Are you serious? Bigfoot?”

He laughed. “I don’t want to go alone. I need another sane person there with me.”

“It will be in the 90’s and there will be a million rattle snakes,” I said.

“The nights cool down to the 50’s.”

But my heart fluttered a bit. More than a bit. Damn, at 61 Nevil was still hot. “Fine, I’ll wear my heavy boots,” I said.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go into the wilderness and sleep on the ground in a tent. The Snow Mountain Wilderness is beautiful. I didn’t want to go into the wilderness with a group of die hard cryptozoologists. I didn’t want to go out into the woods at night with night gear goggles and listen for the howls of giant hairy humanoid creatures who might or might not exist.

It all just seemed weird. 

But I was going anyway. I was going because of a boy. A sixty one year old boy.

Nevil told me not to worry about food but I’m a mom, so I packed a few things. Old habits die hard. I packed wine, and cheese, and chocolate. I read that Bigfoots, or Bigfeets, or Sasquatches, or Squatches, or whatever, I heard they liked apples and other gifts, so I brought apples. I like apples so they wouldn’t be wasted. I couldn’t’ believe I was packing apples for am eight foot tall mythical beast. 

I also packed stuff for smores, and Smokehouse almonds, because large hairy creatures in the wilderness might like something that wasn’t squirrel meat or acorns or whatever the hell they eat, if they do indeed exist and eat. I figured if the Bigfoots didn’t want to make smores I’d make them for the humans. Everyone loves smores.

I told my kids where I was going and what I’d be doing. They couldn’t stop laughing. They asked me to take lots of pictures, and told me to have fun and be careful. Sam told me to bring condoms. His siblings, Rachael and Chase laughed out loud. I love my kids.

The drive to the turn off for the Big Foot Camp was a three and a half hour drive. It gave Nevil and I an opportunity to catch up that didn’t involve alcohol or sex. 

“So, why’d you ask me to this Big Foot thing again?” I asked. 

“I thought you’d be up for it. You always liked weird things, so I decided to look you up.”

“Weird things?”


“The Waves, The Wanting”

Waves are made

By people shouting their love

Across the oceans.

The seas are not made of tears

But the waves, oh

The waves are driven

By a hundred thousand years

Of lovers’ vows unspoken

Of silences unbroken

Now pleadings cried out, and laments

But only when the beloved is not near.

The oceans wrap their arms around

The voices and the cries

And carry them in a susurrus

Flinging out their burdens to the rocks and sands

On the far shore.

Listen, listen!

You will hear my voice

Calling you from the Cadiz wall

The insistent declaration of my love

Carried across the miles of the Atlantic

Listen for the rill of my laughter

Running the length of the shore

You’ll hear me sigh, “I love you,” once

And my voice will fall silent once more.

(Copyright Kate Hughes, Summer 2017)

Picture courtesy of Freerangestock.com

The Tree Imps – Written By Marie Smith

Picture courtesy of Marie Smith

     I watched too much 50’s television as a child.  I especially loved “The Donna Reed Show” where a character named Donna Stone was a model of mid-century motherhood perfection.  Week after week I saw her solve everyone’s problems while fixing meals, doing laundry and dusting the house in her pearls and high heels — all the while smiling!  I never saw my mother dressed like Donna when she was housecleaning and wondered if something was wrong with her.

     I worshipped everything Donna stood for.  She was beautiful, well-dressed and wise and she was loved and respected by her family and everyone who knew her.  I dreamed I would grow up to be just like her.  I’d be the perfect mother at all times.  Donna-like, I would make only wise decisions and my perfect wisdom would rub off on my children, who would shower me with continued appreciation and adulation. 

     Reality hit when I became the mother of a precocious preschooler…

     My son loved visiting his godparents and spending weekends at their home.  They were childless at the time and he could count on being well-fed and spoiled by them.  He could also count on being entertained by his godfather, a detective with a very active imagination.  True to his Irish heritage, his godfather could weave a good tale.  One of these tales yielded unintended consequences. 

     Like most preschoolers, my son was nosy and loved to explore.  He ventured into his godfather’s closet during one of his weekend visits.  The suits, shirts and slacks weren’t interesting, but he did find something that immediately grabbed his attention.  He was drawn to some shoes into which wooden shoe stretchers were inserted.  He’d never seen anything like this and thought they looked creepy and strange.  He was curious, but didn’t want to touch them.  He found his godfather, grabbed him by the hand, and dragged him to the closet door.  He pointed to the inserts and asked what they were. 

     A twinkle appeared in his godfather’s eye as “blarney” inspiration came to him.  He stood in front of the closet, sighed deeply and shook his head from side to side as he picked up the shoes and examined them closely.  He uttered “tsk, tsk” in disgust as he told my son this was evidence the Tree Imps had been in his closet and left their ears in his shoes!  My son was stunned!  He’d never heard of Tree Imps and wanted to know more. 

     He remained fascinated as His godfather explained theywere woodland creatures who lived in trees and came out only at night.  According to him, they avoided people at all costs.  They looked like wood and easily hid in deep foliage during the daytime.  In the wintertime they hid in woodpiles and rocks.  They hid so skillfully they couldn’t be spotted by humans or animals.  Under the cover of night they would sneak into people’s houses while they were sleeping.  Their bodies were flexible, and they could twist and turn them to gain access to homes by climbing trellises or vines, wiggling into vents, squeezing through window openings or dog doors, and/or jumping down chimneys.  They moved quickly and silently and left only a faint trace of a woody odor once they were in the house.  No people or pets could detect them and they could do their mischief undisturbed.

     The purpose of their nocturnal visits was not to do physical harm.  Their only goal was to cause minor mischief.  He said the Tree Imps were the source of all unexplained annoyances in a home.  For example, they would pull toilet paper off the dispenser so that only one sheet remained, take the last potato chip from a bag and leave it empty on the shelf, remove a sock from the laundry and leave only an unmatched one in the dryer, or leave an empty carton of milk in the refrigerator. 

     My son’s eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped as he nodded his head in agreement.  He was sure this was true because he’d seen these very things happening at our house and at his friends’ homes!  Now he knew why — the Tree Imps were responsible!  He was amazed and wanted to know why they would do this. 

     His godfather explained that the Tree Imps wanted to irritate humans since this gave them the magical power to convert dirt and rocks into gold.  He said they loved to manufacture and hoard this gold and the more aggravation they left behind, the greater their hoarded treasure grew.  Most people never knew they existed.  In their ignorance, they often blamed other inconsiderate family members or simply had no explanation. 

     His godfather said he had superior detective skills and his investigative brilliance made him the only person able to detect their presence and deduce their purpose.  While the Tree Imps knew his godfather was “wise” to them, they weren’t afraid of him and loved to irritate him.   In fact, because he was such an exceptional detective, annoying him tripled the strength of their magical power!  The more they annoyed him, the more power they had and the more gold they could make from dirt and rocks.  This was why they delighted in leaving him open evidence of their visits.  They knew this would really aggravate him!

     His godfather said he had never been able to catch them in the act of doing their mischief.  Based on the agitation he was feeling lately, he was certain they were visiting him on a regular basis.  By now they must have a huge store of gold hidden somewhere in or around his house.  It all made sense to my son, who believed him. 

     The story was woven in such a way that my son found it exciting, but the Tree Imps weren’t his real focus. He was far more interested in all the gold that must now be hidden somewhere in his godparents’ house.   He knew he and his godfather would be wealthy if they could only find it! 

     He asked his godfather to use his exceptional detective skills to find where the gold was stored.  His godfather sighed.  He said looking for the treasure would take a lot of effort and he was too busy doing his day-to-day detective work to pursue this. 

     My son was disappointed. He wanted to find the gold, so he volunteered to look for it. With his godfather’s permission, he immediately started searching the house.  He searched all rooms from top to bottom and even looked into the washer and dryer in the laundry room.   He found one sock in the dryer.  He was convinced the Tree Imps left it behind.  It bolstered his resolve and he exhausted himself searching everywhere for the gold.  Although he found a lot of loose change, some paper clips, a dog biscuit and a ball point pen, his search for gold came up empty.

     He returned home and shared with me all he had learned about the Tree Imps.  He was sure they were to blame for the many unexplained and annoying events around our house He began searching our house for hidden gold.  As he searched, I contacted His godfather who shared the full story with me.  I was amused and viewed it as a harmless little tale.  Since it brought joy to my son, I urged his godfather to continue the story.  I even made further suggestions.   

     During My son’s next visits to his godparents’ house he saw repeated “evidence” of the Tree Imps’ presence.  Sunglass-wearing wooden logs suddenly appeared on the porch, toothpicks showed up on the kitchen counter and bathroom sink, and wood scraps were scattered in the yard.  He felt they were now teasing him, and this made him even more determined to find the gold.  He kept looking for gold in all the nooks and crannies of his godparents’ house.  His disappointment continued when he didn’t find any.

     His godfather and I decided to push the fun a little further.  We painted some rocks with shiny gold paint and hid them throughout his yard and woodpile.  They were strategically hidden where they could easily be found.

     The following weekend his godparents invited him for a visit.  His godfather said he was busy and encouraged him to go play in the yard.  He began exploring and quickly found the “gold” nuggets.  He ran into the house to excitedly announce his discovery and grab shopping bags to gather up the treasure.  He pulled his godfather into the yard to help him collect the “gold.”  They danced around in shared excitement and laughed gleefully as they gathered and split their findings. 

     That night my son came home with a bag of “gold” nuggets.  He generously gave me a few and placed the rest at the foot of his bed where he could guard them.  He fell asleep with a smile, happily believing he’d outwitted the Tree Imps.   

     I thought this would end the story.  I was amused our little trick had made him so happy.  I knew this had been a deception of sorts, but thought it sweet.  Someday I would share the true story with him.  I thought we would both get a good laugh over it when he was older.  I was sure he would appreciate this as an act of love.  I was convinced this was what Donna Stone would have done.

     The next morning my son was playing in our yard with his friends.  I was doing housework and looked out the window when I saw him pull his little red wagon down the driveway and into the garage.  There was a large stack of items in the wagon.  I went outside to investigate. 

     As I entered the garage I saw him standing beside a three-wheeler bike, a skateboard, several video games, and a pair of rollerblades – none of which belonged to him.  I asked him where these came from.  He happily replied that he’d bought them from neighborhood kids with his share of the Tree Imps’ “gold.”  I never expected this! 

     I worried there would be angry parents knocking on our door to demand back the toys, so I told him the truth about the “gold.”  He was disappointed and I was embarrassed. 

     I told him we needed to return all the items and offered to go with him.  We went door-to-door, pulling the little red wagon behind us and returning everything.    Fortunately, our neighbors took it in stride.  Although their children were disappointed, they soon got over it and continued playing with my son.  They all decided to keep the “gold,” even if it was worthless.

     I felt stupid and guilty over my role in this deception.  I realized I was not Donna Stone.  I called His godfather to share the latest events with him.  For once, he was speechless!

     To lessen my son’s disappointment — and my guilt– I offered to take him for his favorite ice cream.  He readily agreed.   In the afterglow of double fudge with cookie crumbles, he easily accepted my apology and we talked at length.  He said he wanted to pay his godfather another visit so that he could share penance for his role in this deception.  However, that is a story for another day…

Picture courtesy of Marie Smith

(Text Copyright 2019 by Marie-Claude Smith. )

Dear Followers and Friends of ‘Writer’s Treasure Chest’.

This is a story written by the ‘friend of a friend’. When I read it for the first time, I simply loved it! I couldn’t get my thoughts off it, and finally asked my friend if she would ask the author to give me permission to publish it here on ‘Writer’s Treasure Chest’, as a true treasure!

Marie Smith granted permission and provided me with the pictures, too.

Marie Smith is not a world-famous author; she is not well-known; she is a self-published author with one book. But she is skillful, talented, enthusiastic, and a wonderful storyteller.

At this time, there are no links to social media, no description, bio, or anything we would normally expect. But if you like to compliment Marie for the Tree Imp, please leave a comment.

If you’d like to contact Marie, please use the contact form on the right side by the widgets. I’ll forward your details to her.

Thank you very much for reading the story and respecting the author’s copyright.

Warm regards

A. J. Alexander

Cold Blue Eyes – By Raymond Walker

I live in the pastoral lowlands now but once I strode the highlands; dark and fey, and there, I met a girl,
dark and fey as the land that birthed her.

A friendly and kind hillwalker, on holiday, meets a strange girl in the pub. Deserted, her husband vanished in the mist as so many do in the empty places of the high lands. Lost and lonely she searches for him. Looks for him as she has for months growing fey and strange, even slightly mad. Loneliness, the harsh climate, desertion, and despair played on her mind. Latching on to the kindly hillwalker they set out to find her husband or his body. But not all is as it seems the “Cold Blue Eyes” of the mad girl seem calculating rather than deluded. Plus, there is something about the hillwalker. He is too kind, too helpful, too thoughtful, few are as good as he seems to be.
There is a living man, or a dead body out in the wilds to be found. He may not be the only dead body by the end of this tale.
Oh, No, No, No, trust no one. I definitely did not know where this was heading. Fantastic and Frightening.

Buy it on Amazon

Bill Murphy. The Maniac Magazine.
Erotic, clever and over all too soon, a page turner.
Carly Mellion. Author of Panjandrum
I love simplicity. A film waiting to happen, sharp, short, and clever.
Zoe Longridge. Margins Magazine for Women.


Raymond Walker is the award-winning author of nineteen novels, many compendiums of short stories and two books of poetry (though he hates to admit to them). Raymond was born in 1962 and raised in Argyll, Scotland, before moving to Edinburgh to attend university. His love of the countryside, forests, mountains, and relics of his native Scotland are reflected deeply in his writing. His tales echo his country’s dark past, history, the unknown places and wonders of Scotland to the point where reality dips into fantasy until nothing is quite as it seems. Not one to be pigeon-holed, Mr. Walker’s books range from Romances and Ghost stories to Historical fiction and fantasy, Horror, Science fiction, and literary fiction. The winner of several writing competitions, Raymond’s books have received critical acclaim worldwide. His novel, “He, who is Lost” wowed readers and critics alike, gaining him a new legion of fans and “Moonchild and other Tales” saw him move successfully into unfamiliar territory.

Raymond is currently working on two new Books. “The Dark Kind” which is a sequel to the hugely successful “The Dead Girl and the Wandering Tree ” as well as “Cold Blue Eyes” a surprising sequel to “Nut Brown Eyes”

Raymond lives in Prestwick, Ayrshire with his beautiful wife, his inflated ego and his man shed.


1-Year-Anniversary – Where The Poppies Grow – By Stephanie Ayers

Title: Where the Poppies Grow

Author: International Bestselling Author Stephanie Ayers

Genre: Paranormal, Thriller, and Suspense

Blurb: Every Spring she stands in the poppy field waiting on her groom. No one knows her name or where she comes from. She never ages and never fails to appear, weeping for her lover. Each night, the men of Stoney Village hear her cries and wander to the field, but only one can be chosen. Will there be any left to answer her calls where the poppies grow?

Purchase Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09R7ZX8XN

Book is available in Kindle Unlimited


She said her name was Maize, and I couldn’t stop staring at her. Her dirty blonde hair looked so silky, I wanted to run my fingers through it. Her cheeks flowed with a natural blush my fingers ached to caress. She paid me no mind, though, just continued collecting the poppies, clutching them to her chest and sniffing them before tossing them into the air. The flowers flit around her like red confetti, until they fell to the ground and mingled together in the field.

“I’m Carter. The poppies are early this year.”

I had no idea why I said that. I only meant to introduce myself. It was true, though. The poppies usually didn’t bloom for another month.

Maize just smiled and nodded, tossing more flowers into the air. A few of the blossoms settled in her hair, and it stole my breath away. She was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen, and she wasn’t from around here.

She couldn’t be because I’d never seen her before. And a girl who looked like she did would have been noticed, and not just by me. Everyone would have noticed her.

The fact that I only ever saw her in the poppy field should have been a clue, but I was so captivated by her, it never crossed my mind I never saw her elsewhere.

Admittedly, I stayed pretty busy between my schoolwork and my real job—which I only had so I could pay for college. Neither left me much time for a social life, and it never bothered me until I met Maize. Time stood still when she was around. I never wanted to leave because I never knew for sure when she’d come back.

She showed up with the appearance of the first poppy, and I worried she would go away when the last one disappeared. I don’t know why I thought that. It was crazy thinking, but I was much too wrapped up in her—or maybe it was the idea of her—to really consider the bigger picture.

The time of year, the appearance of the poppies, and the fact that she never went anywhere but the field should have been obvious clues; red flags I happily ignored as long as I could spend time with her. Time stood still whenever Maize was around, and that was okay with me.

It was not okay with my boss or my teachers. My mother didn’t much care for it, either, but none of them mattered when she was there.

We didn’t even need to talk. We just picked flowers side by side and tossed them into the air, their blooms covering us like blood until we were one with the field. And maybe that’s when I should’ve run far, far away, but I didn’t.

That was my first mistake.

“Where are you going?” my mother inquired.

“Gardner’s Field.”

“Please don’t. The poppies are in bloom, so it’s Maeve Hadley season.”

I laughed. My eyes rolled toward the ceiling. “That’s just an old wives’ tale, Ma. The only thing haunting that field is ghosts of memories gone by. No one has disappeared from that field for as long as I’ve been alive.”

Mom’s forehead wrinkled. “That doesn’t mean Maeve hasn’t shown up. Just do me a favor and stay away from the poppies. Please?”

I shook my head. Mom was easily placated, but I hated lying to her. Somehow, she always knew.

“I’m not going to make any promises I can’t keep. I promise to be careful, okay? Besides, the girl I meet up with is named Maize, not Maeve.”

“Maize, Maeve—they sound an awful lot alike. I heard she uses a different name every year.”

Connect with Stephanie

Author Bio: A creative ninja with a dark mind and a quirky nature, Stephanie Ayers writes all the words and spins twisted tales filled with horror, fantasy, suspense, and anything in between. With a trunk full of tricks thanks to a checkered past, she haunts Irish castles and snowy mountaintops in her dreams, while living the unicorn life in Ohio disguised as a human. When she isn’t listening to the voices in her head, she spends her days as a mom, Gigi, cat lover, and Netflix binger, while avoiding housework at all costs.

Since signing with Crazy Ink Publishing, Stephanie has managed to somehow produce over a dozen solo works (with no ending in sight). With ink in her blood, an absence of fear, and a passion for telling stories, she isn’t afraid to dip her pen in the inkwell of many genres, and even has four successful series in her name—the stand-alone horror volumes of The 13 Series, the amateur witch detectives of the Coven Cozy Mysteries, the individual displaced characters in the Portal to Madness series, and her epic five book fantasy series, Destiny Defined.

When she isn’t lost in her overactive imagination or entertaining her mini-unicorns, you can find her all over social media and find a full listing of her works on her Amazon author page. Her favorite wandering place is her readers’ group on Facebook. Join the herd now!

Stay up to date with everything unicorn by subscribing to her monthly newsletter and get a free read as a thank you!

Author Links:linktr.ee/stephanieayers

Second Time’s A Charm – Kenna Campbell – Pre-Order Now!

Title: Second Time’s A Charm

Series: The New Romance Café Collection #28

Purchase Link:https://books2read.com/tnrc2024secondtimesacharm

Goodreads Link:https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/122963068-second-time-s-a-charm


Is love better the second time around or are we just repeating past mistakes? How do you know if you are falling back into bad habits or falling into your happily ever after? 

Find out  in this spicy  collection containing enticing stories from USA Today best-selling and award-winning romance authors curated by The New Romance Cafe, with ALL proceeds going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Featured Author: Kenna Campbell

Social Media & Website Links: https://linktr.ee/kennacampbell 


Jenna D Morrison is an up-and-coming author of fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction with a side of romance. She has been an avid reader since she was four and started writing for her own enjoyment in middle school.

She lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her mother and their very spoiled fur babies. When she is not reading or writing, Jenna is a Zen Buddhist priest, an amateur genealogist, a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, and aunt.

Kimberly A Campbell is a mother of four beautiful adult souls, grandmother to one amazing eight year old and has been a teacher to many young students that she loves as her own. She has always had a love for reading, writing and storytelling, advocating that same love in the children she’s crossed paths with along the way. She’s always dreamed of becoming an author, and is excited to finally have the opportunity to do so, with a focus on fantasy, paranormal and science fiction, which are her favorite genres. Kimberly makes her home in with her doting, supportive husband, children and many rescue cats in Houston, Texas. When she isn’t reading she enjoys spending time with her family, playing video games with her friends and baking delicious things she never eats.

Together, Jenna D. Morrison and Kimberly, best friends for nearly 20 years, write contemporary romance and young adult fantasy as Kenna Campbell.

Hexes & Ohs – By Kenna Campbell – Pre-Order Now

Title: Hexes and Ohs

Series: The New Romance Café Collection #25

Purchase Link:https://books2read.com/tnrc23hexesandohs

Goodreads Link:https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/65643865-hexes-and-ohs 


Witch, please. That’s just one of the things a lucky lover may be crying out in this sexy witch-themed paranormal romance collection. Will love cast its spell this Halloween? 

Hexes and Ohs (and “More, please.” and “Do that again.”) abound in this steamy-not scary collection of stories from USA Today best-selling and award-winning romance authors curated by The New Romance Café, with ALL proceeds going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Featured Author: Kenna Campbell

Social Media & Website Links: https://linktr.ee/kennacampbell 


Jenna D Morrison is an up-and-coming author of fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction with a side of romance. She has been an avid reader since she was four and started writing for her own enjoyment in middle school.

She lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her mother and their very spoiled fur babies. When she is not reading or writing, Jenna is a Zen Buddhist priest, an amateur genealogist, a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, and aunt.

Kimberly A Campbell is a mother of four beautiful adult souls, grandmother to one amazing eight year old and has been a teacher to many young students that she loves as her own. She has always had a love for reading, writing and storytelling, advocating that same love in the children she’s crossed paths with along the way. She’s always dreamed of becoming an author, and is excited to finally have the opportunity to do so, with a focus on fantasy, paranormal and science fiction, which are her favorite genres. Kimberly makes her home in with her doting, supportive husband, children and many rescue cats in Houston, Texas. When she isn’t reading she enjoys spending time with her family, playing video games with her friends and baking delicious things she never eats.

Together, Jenna D. Morrison and Kimberly, best friends for nearly 20 years, write contemporary romance and young adult fantasy as Kenna Campbell.

Pre-Order Announcement – Austen-Teaparty

Title: Austen Tea Party

Series: The New Romance Café Collection (#23)


Take care not to spill the tea (literally) while we share the latest on-dit (aka dish the dirt) about the Ton, who is courting, and who has been compromised in this collection of Austen-inspired romance stories.

Join us for a turn around the room in stories from USA Today best-selling and award-winning romance authors curated by the New Romance Café featuring cameos from some of Jane’s most memorable characters (and some we’d like to forget). ALL proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Pre-Order Link: https://books2read.com/tnrc2023AustenTeaParty

TBR List: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/63135499-austen-tea-party

Author Featured: Kenna Campbell

Social Media Links: https://linktr.ee/kennacampbell 

About the Author:

Jenna D Morrison is an up-and-coming author of fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction with a side of romance. She has been an avid reader since she was four and started writing for her own enjoyment in middle school.

She lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her mother and their very spoiled fur babies. When she is not reading or writing, Jenna is a Zen Buddhist priest, an amateur genealogist, a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, and aunt.

Kimberly A Campbell is a mother of four beautiful adult souls, grandmother to one amazing eight year old and has been a teacher to many young students that she loves as her own. She has always had a love for reading, writing and storytelling, advocating that same love in the children she’s crossed paths with along the way. She’s always dreamed of becoming an author, and is excited to finally have the opportunity to do so, with a focus on fantasy, paranormal and science fiction, which are her favorite genres. Kimberly makes her home in with her doting, supportive husband, children and many rescue cats in Houston, Texas. When she isn’t reading she enjoys spending time with her family, playing video games with her friends and baking delicious things she never eats.

Together, Jenna D. Morrison and Kimberly, best friends for nearly 20 years, write contemporary romance and young adult fantasy as Kenna Campbell.

1-Year Book Birthday – Bodacious – By Stephanie Ayers

Too loud, too bright, and too bubbly. That’s what the residents of Crazy Town consider Emmalee Bishop, a young woman who walked into town looking for the one person with clues to her past—her birth mother. As bumptious as she is bodacious, she can’t seem to escape trouble no matter where she goes. When trouble follows her into Crazy Town, it just might be more than the residents can handle.

In a town full of secrets, will she find who she’s looking for or will the residents run her out before she gets a chance?


A Crazy Town novella by International Bestseller Stephanie Ayers


Chapter One

“I’m not getting off the highway, so if you’re okay with that, hop on.”

The dude’s Harley Davidson motorcycle was stunning—black with red pinstripes and a flaming skull on either side. Cerulean blue eyes peeked out from beneath a few stray strands of ebony hair that managed to escape his helmet. I hoped this guy ain’t a serial killer, because I ain’t had no choice but to accept his offer. He was the only one who stopped to give me a ride, and I couldn’t stay in that stupid town any longer. I had to find my family—my biological family.

“Well, what’s it gonna be?” he asked.

His foot pounded against the pavement like he was short on patience or something.

“Okay,” I said, accepting the helmet he held out for me. “I’m down for that.”

I hopped on the back of his bike and wrapped my arms around his waist. I didn’t know what this dude was into, but he had a six pack under that leather jacket, and it ain’t beer.

“I’m Jesse Hart,” he said before revving his motor.

“Emmalee Bishop. Thanks for the ride.”

“Hang on tight.”

He pulled out into traffic smoothly and rolled down the highway. The ride was exhilarating, even if he was speeding. He drove so fast, it was hard to read the signs we passed, but the Welcome signs were clear enough.

Crossing state lines at a hundred miles an hour on the back of Harley was almost better than a good romp in the hay with a cute boy. And Lord, let me tell you, I wouldn’t mind rolling around in the hay with Jesse Hart. I’m trying to be a good girl, though, and sex with strangers ain’t saintly. Not even close. Gripping his six pack like I was made it extra hard to get him out of my mind, though, but I didn’t dare let go.


Shit! He’s gone and done it now. We had a cop on our tail. Jesse never slowed down as he took the first exit ramp off the highway, and we almost crashed going around a curve. He slowed down enough then to keep us safe, but that only let the Alabama state trooper get closer. We tore down the empty two-lane road the exit ramp took us to, and the cop finally quit chasing us.

Oh, Lord, let me tell you! This guy made me quiver in my hoo-haw. I’d lay down on the side of the road and let him do me right there if he asked, good girl be damned. Who’d he tell?

When Jesse turned onto a dirt road that disappeared into the trees, I thought maybe he was just as interested in a quick lay, but he stopped between two big trees and shut his motor off without getting off his bike. He held his index finger over his lips, and I got it. Mum’s the word. I ain’t going to make a sound. Before too long, we heard a siren nearby, and he shook his head.

He whispered, “Damn Alabama cops. They don’t know when to quit.”

The siren faded away soon enough though, and we worked our way back to the road. I spied a faded green sign that said “Graceville, one mile” and underneath that “Crazy Town, three miles.” I ain’t never walked three miles in my life if you don’t count walking around school, but Crazy Town sounded like my kind of place.

“I’ll get off here,” I yelled, remembering what he said when I first got on the motorcycle.

Jesse set his feet on the road to steady the Harley as I climbed off the back.

“You sure? There’s nothing out there but a bunch of hillbillies and hicks,” Jesse said.

“Yeah. I’m okay with that. Thanks for the lift,” I said as I gave him back the helmet.

He secured it to the back of the Harley and gave me a salute. “Have a nice life, Emmalee Bishop.”

I watched him roll down the road until he disappeared. I ain’t got no idea what to expect in Crazy Town, but with a name like that, I got a feeling I’ll find a place to call home.

Chapter Two

Okay, now that I ain’t racing down the highway, I should probably start at the beginning.

I’m Emmalee Bishop, only child to Joshua and Heather Bishop. Only that’s not quite right. I mean, I’m their only child, but they ain’t my birth parents. And that’s the main reason why I was there then. I’m on a mission to find my real parents, or at least people who might know who they are.

Now before you get to thinking Joshua and Heather Bishop were some sort of horrible people, they ain’t. It ain’t their fault I was walking along that road in Alabama. They did me as good as they knew how, and I was the better for it, but I ain’t nothing like them.

I ain’t like nobody, especially anyone in Cedarville, where I grew up. Ain’t nothing wrong with Cedarville, North Carolina, neither. It’s just boring, and it ain’t home. Ya know what I mean?

I ain’t got a clue why I was the way I was, and that’s partly why I left. Cedarville ain’t on the “Bible Belt,” but it’s plenty religious. They didn’t like me much there, saying I was too wild, too loud, and too promiscuous—whatever that meant. I couldn’t help it if boys liked me. I liked them, too. Other girls didn’t like me much, but I didn’t really care. I didn’t like them much, neither.

Now, Lord knows I ain’t no saint, for sure, but I ain’t staying nowhere that wouldn’t accept me for who I was. That’s partly why I left, too. I didn’t even say goodbye to the people who raised me, didn’t leave a note, nothing. I just took off and hauled ass out of town.

Poppa Joshua and Momma Heather, they tried. I’ll give them that, but the older I got, the more I saw how different we really were. I ain’t never gonna fit in properly in Cedarville, and they deserved to. I needed to know where all my quirks and attitude came from, whose body type I inherited, and where my blonde hair came from. Nothing about me was anything like them—with their dark hair and brown eyes, their slim builds, and quiet demeanors—and I tried hard to find any similarities. I weren’t even as kind as they were. I had no filter, took no bull hockey, and demanded attention from everyone I met. So, I hightailed it out of there on a split-second decision and ain’t had no regrets since. Not one.

And before I knew it, I was headed to some place called Crazy Town with nothing but the clothes on my back and a pack of gum in my pocket.

How could I forget about my gum? I had to spit out the old piece when I got on the back of Jesse’s bike, so I popped a fresh piece in my mouth. Lord, let me tell you! That was exactly what I needed. My mouth ain’t so dry now. I never realized how riding on the back of a motorcycle could give ya such a bad case of cottonmouth.

So anyways, on with my story…

I’d just turned twenty a couple months ago. It was like a light bulb went off in my head or something because ever since my birthday, everything got under my skin. Even Billy Crews, the boy next door I rolled around in the hay with when the urge struck, started pushing on my last nerves talking all up in my face about marriage and babies and all the stuff I ain’t got no interest in and probably never will. Me and babies just didn’t get along. I didn’t get along with most people, so there was that, too.

Anyways, Billy told me we had to get married, or we ain’t having any fun in the barn anymore, so since there ain’t nothing holding me to the place, I left. Just like with my parents, I didn’t offer no goodbyes or nothing. I bet he was still waiting in the barn for the hanky-panky he ain’t gettin’ from me no more.

I ain’t got no idea why it took me so long to leave Cedarville. I mean, I could’ve left two years ago when I turned eighteen and finished school, but I didn’t; even though I figured out when I was two that I didn’t belong there, despite my parents’ efforts to help me fit in. Bless their hearts. They tried so hard.

For one thing, I matured much faster than the other girls did. I was nine when my monthly started, and I was halfway through ten when my boobies came in. That’s when the boys started paying extra attention to me. Henry Wilkins got my first kiss, Eddie Vander touched my boobies first, and Billy got to pop my cherry. And all this happened before I turned thirteen. At thirteen, I had the biggest boobies in seventh grade, and I showed them to anyone who wanted a peek.

Hmm. Maybe that was why all the girls hated me because the boys—well, they liked to look (and touch, too, if I’m being honest), and I always let them.

Now, before you judge me too harshly, Billy was the only boy I got down and dirty with, but I liked the attention from the other boys, and Billy never was my actual boyfriend. I ain’t doing nothing wrong by letting them look. Ain’t nothing wrong with letting them touch, neither. Not in my book, anyways, but their girlfriends didn’t like it much. Maybe if they let their boyfriends touch their boobies, they wouldn’t be touching mine. I didn’t care. Boobs were just mounds of skin with tips. Why boys got so excited over them is beyond me. I ain’t got a penis, and Lord, let me tell you! Those are some ugly sonsabitches. But the boys got excited, so I let them look, and that was that.

That’s enough about my boobies and boys. They still chased me everywhere I went, but I couldn’t do nothing about that. Sorry, girls.

If I’m honest, other girls were my real issue. They didn’t like me, I didn’t like them, but we were stuck together like flies in molasses. I reckon it might’ve always been that way, but I was open for a fresh start and looking for a change of mind.

That was another reason why I left. There ain’t no second chances in Cedarville. For as much as they preach the Bible, their ability to forgive and forget needed a gigantic overhaul. How did I know? Let me tell ya about Amber Griffith.

Amber Griffith, bless her heart, owned a massage parlor right there on the main street that went through Cedarville’s downtown. Sounds all fine and dandy, right? Wrong. The good, Christian ladies of Cedarville Baptist Church didn’t like that their husbands went in there and let another woman put her hands on them—innocent reasons or not. So that was strike one for Amber, and it ain’t even her fault. Strike two came about when one of those wives decided to check the parlor out for herself and discovered there was more than massage chairs in there.

A lot more, Shew Buddy, let me tell you!

Not only did Amber have pagan books and materials in there (it was where I spent my babysitting money to get the opal necklace I’ll never take off), but she also had toys and other sex stuff in a back corner, including movies. And that was all it took. That God-fearing church hussy told the pastor, and he shut the parlor down quick. That ain’t enough for those church heifers, though. They had to run Amber out of town, and Lord, I tell you what, they most surely did. They done ran her out of town so fast, she never looked back.

That’s how I knew I ain’t never going to fit in there, and Lord knows, I didn’t want to. Maybe I just ain’t going to fit in anywhere.

That might’ve been a harsh thought but so was reality. I read somewhere once that you only get one life so make it count. I aimed to live a good life, but there ain’t nobody counting.

Purchase Link: mybook.to/BodaciousCT

A creative ninja with a dark mind and a quirky nature, Stephanie Ayers writes all the words and spins twisted tales filled with horror, fantasy, suspense, and anything in between. With a trunk full of tricks thanks to a checkered past, she haunts Irish castles and snowy mountaintops in her dreams, while living the unicorn life in Ohio disguised as a human. When she isn’t listening to the voices in her head, she spends her days as a mom, Gigi, cat lover, and Netflix binger, while avoiding housework at all costs.

Since signing with Crazy Ink Publishing, Stephanie has managed to somehow meet (most of) her deadlines and produce over a dozen solo works (with no ending in sight). With ink in her blood, an absence of fear, and a passion for telling stories, she isn’t afraid to dip her pen in the inkwell of many genres, and even has four successful series in her name—the stand-alone horror volumes of The 13 Series, the individual fairy tale retellings of the Portal to Madness series, the read-in-any-order cozy paranormal mysteries of the Coven Cozy Mysteries, and her epic five book fantasy series, Destiny Defined.

When she isn’t lost in her overactive imagination or entertaining her mini-unicorns, you can find her weaving words for Ladies of Horror fiction or playing with graphics and building her newsletter.

You can find Stephanie all over social media and find a full listing of her works on her Amazon author page.  Her favorite wandering place is her readers’ group on Facebook. Join the herd now!

Stay up to date with everything unicorn by subscribing to her monthly newsletter and get a free read as a thank you!

Social Media and Contact Info:

ONE CLICK: https://linktr.ee/stephanieayers 

Purchase Link: mybook.to/BodaciousCT

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Featured Author: Gem Sivad


Hi. I’m Gem Sivad. Nice to meet you. I live in the southern part of an enchanted kingdom where I enjoy the slow pace of life, study the world, and tell stories about incredible things. Whether I’m writing in a  nineteenth century setting or in a  paranormal world of witches and shifters, my heroines are always resilient, resourceful, and smart, and my heroes are  wickedly dangerous and seriously hot.

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