The Council of Twelve A – Z / L For Lucifer

When it comes to writing, with six published books and the seventh in the series in line, I sometimes feel a little bit like I need to keep things in my books a secret, fearfully protecting my stories because I could give away too much to the ones who haven’t read ‘The Council of Twelve’ series yet.

But aren’t the background stories, the little details ‘behind the scenes’ the interesting part of our work? There are numerous characters in these books, twelve of them the main pillars carrying my stories.

A few of these main characters found their counterparts and ‘better half’ within the series, and I won’t exclude these strong women from the A-Z introduction to ‘The Council of Twelve.’

Image courtesy of

That’s why I decided to start a new blog series about the Council of Twelve, going through the alphabet, starting with Anghariel, Benadrel, Centriel, Deonur, Eavan, Gabriel, Kate, and today, Lucifer. Yes, I know, there are a few letters missing. But there is a reason for that. I might not have introduced the respective character to the readers, or there is no character with a particular first-letter name. So, never say never. The series is not completed yet.

At this point, I usually introduce a small part of the respective character sheet. But Lucifer is different.

Technically, despite being one of the oldest Archangels in existence, Lucifer is no longer part of the Council of Twelve. But he is the leader of the ‘opponents’ in the eternal fight ‘Good vs. Evil,’ and he is an integral part and a base of the entire ‘The Council of Twelve’ series. (And yes, that’s true, how else would I write this series, if there was no ‘Other Side’?

Lucifer is unique, in many ways… writing for a YA readership, an author has to be quite careful what to write. No blood, no detailed descriptions of violence, murder, intimacy, and so on. With a character like Lucifer, this proves to be a bit difficult.

Lucifer is one of the most evil beings in existence, and his followers are not far behind him. But Lucifer in this series is not the horrible red-skinned, horned, tailed creature we very often see in art. I particularly refused to create a demon of this form for my readers.

Picture courtesy of

The devil has to disguise in order to tempt humans, and he does in ‘The Council of Twelve’ series. I won’t give away too much, but in my imagination, in order to tempt, sow strife, facilitate crime, and aim for personal gain, he has to wear a mask.

In this case, he often shows up as a handsome businessman, and he likes to show off. I would think, this guy here is probably quite close to my imagination:

Model: David Gandy – Image courtesy of

Evil tempts with beauty, and Lucifer, in this case, can be charming if he wants to. However, he can also have temper tantrums, be commanding and narcissistic, and be irascible. He hides any emotion behind a carefully, beautifully crafted mask.

His ‘brothers’ know him quite well, but the last time Michael and Lucifer had an argument, Heaven opened, and Angels fell—the Earth was shattered. To avoid anything similar, Michael and Lucifer stay away from each other as much as possible.

He’s a notorious liar, and no matter what he says, it’s barely ever true, more than about 5%. He barely ever fails to deceive, but he not only has to watch out for the ‘Council of Twelve’ members, but he also has rebellion within his own troops coming up. The situation to him is getting out of control, and that’s not what he has in mind at all.

Lucifer still hasn’t given up on entering Heaven once again. He still calls it ‘home’ after all these millennia, and he would do almost anything to make that possible. But this time, he dreams that when he enters Heaven, he doesn’t come to seek forgiveness… he comes to rule.

2 thoughts on “The Council of Twelve A – Z / L For Lucifer

  1. Of course you had to have Lucifer as the antagonist in this series. He was referred to as the most beautiful of angels before his fall, so no wonder he poses as a handsome man.

    Of course, the best thing that has happened to him is that no one believes in him any more!


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