Happy Birthday, Dad

June 15 is my Dad’s birthday. Today, he would have turned 85 years old.

Dad passed away 25 years ago in a work accident, 4 days before his 60th birthday.

Since then, I miss him every single day. There are so many memories…

Dad loved to laugh. He was caring, protective, supportive, encouraging, and an excellent teacher.

He taught me so many things, starting around the time I was 3 1/2 years old.

– reading

– writing

– a little math

– swimming

– skiing

– playing soccer, chess, and Domino

– how to ride a bicycle

– general knowledge

– how to use common sense

– strategic thinking

– how to drive a car

– how to behave

– how to laugh with someone

And so many other things.

I inherited a few things from him that I am quite proud of:

– his laughter

– his humor

– his way to care for others

– his helpfulness

– his lessons

– his way to drive a car (which I had no idea was genetic)

… and the less fortunate inheritance of ingrown toenails… but that’s another story.

We sometimes did not even need to talk but only look at each other, knowing very well what the other one was thinking.

My father was the best Dad I could have. And I am blessed to be his daughter.

And that is why I decided today to post this little blog post – and celebrate his life and what he gave me: a wonderful childhood, protection, wisdom, advice, and some of his humor.

Happy Birthday, Dad!


Picture courtesy of Google.com

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