Wonderful Spring Time May

The sun sends light down to the Earth

to show the world that it is worth

the warmth, the sunbeams and the song

of Nature pure, it can’t be wrong.


When the ground it thirsts for something wet

if rain it needs, that’s what it will get.

Darkest clouds clot up there in the sky

The relief the dry ground feels like a sigh.


And still very soon after pouring rain

The world is bright and beams again.

The baby starlings scream for food

other birds as well, they feed their brood.


At night you hear the barn owls do

demand to eat, they’re hungry too.

Baby foxes play around, while Momma hunts

and the baby deer won’t make a sound.


Listen to nature and you can hear its song

when birds are racing all along.

Singing, twittering, and complaint

they live their life without constraint.


The world is old but in spring it will

renew itself with master skill.

Give birth, grow up and paint with ploy

colorful pictures for our joy.


Enjoy the spring, enjoy the stance

whistle, sing and also dance.

Soon enough the birds will fly.

And the Earth will once more getting dry.


(Copyright: Aurora Jean Alexander, May 2018)

Pictures courtesy of: Country Style Magazine


Spring 2018

Once again the first season of the year

has arrived, and just picks up in gear.

Flowers bloom, the grass turns green

everything looks fresh and clean.


Renewed life stretches and is waking

sleep is gone, life is in the making.

Birds, and flowers, water and grass

happiness is now as clear as glass.


Singing and dancing are taking over

we find luck in a four leaved clover.

We are proud and we all smile

dust is shaken off the winter pile.


Youngsters are shown by their proud Mom

birds and kitties nd puppies, all are calm.

The sun shines brighter every day

warms our babies on their way.


And once again we know it’s true

what we didn’t think when the cold wind blew

The Earth has once again shown that all the tragic

thoughts are gone by Nature’s magic.


(Copyright, Aurora Jean Alexander, March 2018)

Picture courtesy of: renatures.com