Dave Chesson on his ‘Kindlepreneur’ blog writes about ebook piracy 2020, an article, which I think needs to be spread for as many authors as possible to know. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences and researches, Dave, we all appreciate it.


Ebook piracy is a real issue. You’d be amazed at how many websites have pirated or claim to have pirated your book.

There it is…sitting there, being given away for free.

All those sales…lost.

Worse yet, most of these sites have no contact information and probably aren’t even located in your country.

So, how do you protect yourself against these pirates and protect your rights?

In this article, I want to show you the legal, safe, and extra awesome way that anyone can regain their book from these pirates with some cunning tactics that only the most advanced computer nerds know how to employ.  Even if you haven’t written that non-fiction book or are in the process of laying out your book, this is great to know for the future.

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Pirated Books

Plaisted Publishing House published an enormously important blog post for authors concerning copyrights and pirated books!! If possible, spread word about this for as many authors as possible to read it!

Plaisted Publishing


Pirate Books – No not a children’s story sadly, like with music they are books stolen from the author.  We tend to know why – The reader is to poor (cough, choke cough) and can’t afford a cup of coffee let alone our books.  They should be free, after all the author only writes them so we can read them.  

Like another blog I read this morning, said, they seem to forget all those businesses we contract out to, those who make our book covers, book trailers, editing, formatting and all the other things need doing to give the book (you only wrote) a fair chance.

I heard about a program called Blastythe other week.  Apparently it find your priate books and you can blast them – whatever that means.  After much thought, I decided to try it, expecally after seeing more pirate sites and having recommendations from…

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