#amwriting: headers and page numbers

This is a fantastic blog post about how to get a manuscript ready for submission, written by Connie J. Jasperson. She did a great job, complete, with screenshots! Definitely worth reading! Thank you Connie. You’re making my day – and probably the one of many other beginner author as well.

Life in the Realm of Fantasy

Book- onstruction-sign copyI’ve blogged before on this subject, but it is time to talk about it again: making your manuscript ready for submission to an editor, agent, or a publisher. All agents, editors and publishing companies have specific, standardized formatting they want you to use, and these guidelines are posted on their websites.

The submissions page for TOR Forge, one of the Big Boys in the publishing world, clearly says: “Standard manuscript format means margins of at least 1 inch all the way around; indented paragraphs; double-spaced text; and Times New Roman in 12 pitch. Please use one side of the page only. Do not justify the text. Do not bind the manuscript in any way. Make sure the header of the ms. includes your name and/or the title of the book as well as the page number (on every page).”

For the most part this formatting is basically the same from company to…

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