3-Year-Anniversary Of ‘Writer’s Treasure Chest’

March 5, 2018 I found a new achievement on WordPress:



I’m very excited to be a blogger of 3 years this month.

Writer’s Treasure Chest has grown significantly in the past year.

970 posts

over 5,500 comments



almost 80 guests

I’m so lucky to be part of the blogging world with all your help. Without guests, friends, followers, supporters and people encouraging me again and again this blogging adventure would not have been progressing at this pace and wouldn’t have been as successful as it is.

To all of you:

End Of Lent – 2017

I have to say, I celebrated the end of the Lenten period by showing myself extremely generous.


a) I helped a little friend of mine to generously apply something similar like sunscreen all over him.

b) I permitted him to relax all day and significantly cool down before offering him more fun

c) I gave that same little friend of mine a free sauna visit

d) Then my little friend got some more time to relax before finally I permitted him to serve his big purpose…


Let me introduce me to my little friend BEFORE my generosity:

Picture courtesy of: https://www.adn.com


And just before he served his purpose: to feed me. 🙂

Picture courtesy of: http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2016/08/sous-vide-salmon-recipe.html


This, for today, is how I celebrate tomorrow’s Easter Holiday.


I do wish you, my dear loyal followers, readers, commenters, friends and all your loved ones and families:


Picture curtesy of: http://eastereggs7.org/


Writer’s Treasure Chest – 2-year-Anniversary

What a wonderful surprise today!


I’m quite proud of being a blogger for two years now.

In the meantime “Writer’s Treasure Chest” got:

over 680 posts

over 3’800 comments



50 guests

I couldn’t have done it without so many people! My friends, readers, followers, commenters, re-bloggers, supporters, guest authors and many more.

I could not have accomplished such an awesome success without you all. You made this adventure a wonderful experience for me. You are all GREAT! Thanks for your ongoing support!

Picture courtesy of: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5578-sample-thank-you-letters.html
Picture courtesy of: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5578-sample-thank-you-letters.html


Writer’s Treasure Chest 1st Anniversary

Yesterday I got an amazing surprise when I checked my comments. I earned a badge.



It said:

Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com.

You registered on WordPress.com one year ago.

Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging!


I’m quite proud of being a blogger for one entire year.

In the meantime “Writer’s Treasure Chest” got:

299 posts




But then: I couldn’t have done it without so many people! My friends, readers, followers, commenters, re-bloggers, supporters and many more.

I could not have accomplished such an awesome success without you all. You made this adventure a wonderful experience for me – and I hope I’ll be able to come back many times more!!

Picture courtesy of: www.google.com
Picture courtesy of: http://www.google.com