Fall Hope – 2020

The current year has been a struggle

for many people that I know.

Life has been massively changing

and adjustments had been very slow.


The heat of summer, it was warming

the cold that crept inside of me.

And still, it was not enough to help

give me calm and let me feel free.


So many times I have been lucky

to enjoy the sun, water, and a swim.

Without my generous, golden friend

life to me would have been grim.


As the year progresses past this summer

and slowly will become our fall.

I wish and hope for true improvement

for everyone out there, and y’all!


Lord,, thank you for sending us your angels

to every first-responder, cop, and  firefighter

Dear Lord, I kneel, I pray, and beg you,

Please help our future be a ‘lil bit brighter.


As the seasons’ turn and autumn starts

where the heat wraps up and becomes mild

where the shine and bright turns into colorful

and the softest breezes become wild.


Let these colors of the fall be an omen

for us to wrap up the bad things of this year

to search and find the lost hope again.

It was never gone… it was just hidden behind the fear.


(Copyright Aurora Jean Alexander, September 2020)




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