Soul Taker Secrets – What’s Good For Archangels…

Katie and her friends Sundance, Zepheira, Simin, Koyu, and Eavan love to cook together, even more so since Katie initially needed a lot of help getting a decent meal together. In the meantime, her cooking significantly improved, and the five consorts and one warrior generally cook together because it’s fun to spoil their respective partners or to just enjoy time with their consorts—club.

This time, Simin brought up a side dish that can easily serve as a main dish if one doesn’t always need meat.

Let’s see, what they’re cooking.

Cheesy Cauliflower Gratin


  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 2 sprigs thyme, plus more to finish
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 ounces unsalted butter
  • ¼ cup all purpose flour
  • 4 ounces brie, rind removed
  • ½ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
  • 2-3 pounds cauliflower, cut into florets
  • Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper to taste
  • ½ cup Panko bread crumbs
  • ½ cup grated parmesan cheese


  • Preheat oven to 400 F.
  • In a medium oven proof saucepan, simmer the milk, bay leaves, thyme and garlic over medium heat for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove from heat and remove the bay leaves and thyme with tongs.
  • In a large saute pan, melt the butter over medium high heat. Once melted, whisk in the flour to make a roux. Slowly pour in the milk, whisking until evenly incorporated and starting to thicken. Add chunks of the brie and nutmeg, and continue stirring until the brie is melted.  Carefully nestle in the cauliflower florets and stir to coat. Season with salt and pepper, transfer the entire pan into the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes. After 20 minutes, top with the bread crumbs and parmesan cheese, place back into the oven and continue baking until bubbly and the cauliflower is tender. Serve immediately.


  • 1: this is made in 1 pot! Brilliant + less dishes
  • It’s basically like a mac and cheese but without the pasta. Don’t get me wrong – I live for a mac and cheese on my Thanksgiving table, but some people are anti. This is an excellent sub
  • There is brie! So if you buy a lot of brie for cheese boards in the coming weeks, save some for this!


Picture courtesy of

BLOG TOUR: The Paradox Of Love And Death


1.            When did you start writing?

I’ve been writing seriously for a few decades, but I started focusing on writing and publishing queer adult romance in late 2022 with the release of the AUDRINA series (Books 1-4 are also available on Amazon/KU). The idea for my first full-length novel, THE PARADOX OF LOVE AND DEATH has been a percolating work-in-progress since 2016, which in some ways feels like another lifetime ago. I lost both my parents when I was young (my father died when I was a teen, and my mother died when I was thirty,) and so in some ways, I am always writing about love and loss and moments of intense transformation and growth.

2.            What motivates you to write?

I write queer and sapphic love stories, and a big thing that motivates me to write is that I want more sweet and spicy sapphic/ LGBTQ+ stories with HFNs and HEAs in the world!

Over the past eight years, both reading and writing romance has been a veritable lifeline. I know I’m not alone when I say that I have often felt overwhelmed during this intense time of heartache and pain. Writing itself has always been a source of healing for me.

I started writing PARADOX immediately after I attended the funeral for my mom’s childhood best friend that late spring 2016. 2016 was also the year that I first came out to my closest family and friends, and as those who have come out know, the journey can be at once liberating, joyful, celebratory as well as terrifying, hurtful, confusing, and lonely. Then life hit – multiple health crises, the pandemic, the impacts of the hatred-filled violence and terrifying policies that present daily challenges for my little LGBTQ family. 

I wrote THE PARADOX OF LOVE AND DEATH to remind myself that it’s okay to want to find love in the aftermath of shocking loss and seemingly interminable grief. It’s a book about authentic hope, even during the darkest of times, which is a thing I think we all need right now. 

3.            What genre do you write in and what made you chose this particular genre?

I am a queer adult romance writer, and while I’ve started by publishing contemporary, I have a forthcoming romantasy as well as a mafia billionaire romance, all queer of course, in the works, and set for release in 2025 and 2026.

4.            What is your goal in writing? Do you have dreams where your writing should take you?

As a sensually empowering queer adult romance writer, I write stories of pleasure, empowerment, consent, and awakenings.

I have three goals when I write:

I am currently reading Melissa Febos’s extraordinary book, Body Work: The Radical Power of Personal Narrative. When I read these lines, my whole heart expanded: “Writer was the only role I could see myself occupying in society, the only one that might hold everything that I was. Queer, overly emotional, burdensomely perceptive, reluctant to do any kind of work whose purpose was opaque to me, ravenous in ways that made me an outlier. It was an occupation that seemed to offer respite and relief, but also was connected to the sublime. It offered the gift of self-forgetting, a transcendence on the other side of which lay insight.” So do my writing goals include wanting respite, relief, connection to the sublime, and the gift of self-forgetting? All of the above–please, and thank you.

I also think of Joan Didion who said, “We write to discover what we think.” This speaks to the core of my experience as a writer, particularly when it comes to writing queer romance. I try to begin from a place of inquiry. I see writing as an exploration, a journey of discovery, a path towards knowledge. Each story usually starts as a question, and my goal, as a writer, is to write my characters’ way to an answer, one that holds space for both authenticity and hope.

I have been deeply overjoyed and grateful for the community that I’ve discovered since I started writing romance, especially among fellow LGBTQ+ readers and writers. I attended both Steamy Lit Con and 20Books in Vegas last year, and I can’t tell you how wonderful it’s been to meet so many amazing people who are eager to support queer indie writers such as myself. My dream is to keep writing stories that readers love! And with that — I’m so grateful for this opportunity to connect with you!

5.            Do you ever suffer from writer’s block and if yes, how do you deal with it?

Absolutely, I do! I’ve found that the root of my writer’s block is fear—perhaps I want to write, but I am not in a heart-centered, open-bodied place to be get the story out of my body. Emily Nagoski talks a lot about ways to close the stress cycle – and again, for me, the words usually stop “flowing” because I’m tense and worried – and perhaps about something I cannot even yet name.

One effective ways, according to Nagoski’s research, to move past moments of burnout, especially creative burnout, is to move the body. Two things help me with writer’s block: 1) Walking. 2) Yoga. I keep my journal close, and after I’ve completed my trek or practice, I sit for about twenty minutes and write as much as I can. After a few days of doing some variation of this, I’m usually back on track.

6.            What advice would you like to give new, hopeful authors?

READ. A lot. Both in the genre/style you want to publish in and ABOUT writing – all aspects – the writing process, the publishing process, etc. There are hundreds of blog posts about the writing life, etc. and I read them obsessively to understand what I had to do to get published.

Also, WRITE a lot, of course. Just keep writing, no matter what, even if it’s a journal for yourself where you write a little bit everyday. Stay curious about the world. And stay open. And always, always, always have fun. If you are having fun, it means you are still in love with the process. As Maya Angelou said, “You can never be great at anything unless you love it.”

7.            Please, tell us about your work.

Funeral crashing has been the best way for Noemi Moretti to release her pent-up emotions after the death of her parents. But on the anniversary of their passing, she meets Amara Forsythe, a beautiful UCLA student mourning her grandmother. Fate brings them together again at another funeral, but Noemi hides her true intentions from Amara. As their relationship blossoms, so do the lies that threaten to tear them apart. Can Noemi find a way to make things right before it’s too late?

THE PARADOX OF LOVE AND DEATH follows Noemi as she navigates through her grief and falls for Amara. But with secrets and guilt weighing heavily on her conscience, Noemi must confront the consequences of her actions before it’s too late. Fans of emotional and thought-provoking sapphic romances will love this poignant tale of love, loss, and what it means to truly live. As their connection deepens, so do the lies, and Noemi doesn’t know how to make it right. She soon becomes caught in a tangled mess that threatens to tear her, and her burgeoning relationship, apart.

For readers who enjoyed The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid, you won’t want to miss out on this powerful and heartfelt novel. THE PARADOX OF LOVE AND DEATH is a profound and heart-tugging sapphic adult romance about death, love, and what it really means to be alive.

Thank you for being my guest. It was such a pleasure to have you here!!

About the book

Author Name: Artemis Glass

Release Date: Monday, February 05 2024

Tour Type: 3-Day Blast

Tour Start Date: Thursday, April 25 2024

Cover Artist: Get Covers

Primary Plot Arc: Romance

Pairings (Only if PRIMARILY a romance): FF

Main Genre(s): Romance

Story Type: Novel (>50k)

Word Count: 83000

LGBTQ+ Identities (if applicable): lesbian, trans

Is This Part of a Series?: Yes

Position (Number) in Series: 1

Title for Other Book(s) in Series: The Paradox of Love Trilogy

Was This Book Published in An Earlier Edition?: No

Book Blurb:

Funeral crashing has been the best way for Noemi Moretti to release her pent-up emotions after the death of her parents. But on the anniversary of their passing, she meets Amara Forsythe, a beautiful UCLA student mourning her grandmother. Fate brings them together again at another funeral, but Noemi hides her true intentions from Amara. As their relationship blossoms, so do the lies that threaten to tear them apart. Can Noemi find a way to make things right before it’s too late?

The Paradox of Love and Death follows Noemi as she navigates through her grief and falls for Amara. But with secrets and guilt weighing heavily on her conscience, Noemi must confront the consequences of her actions before it’s too late. Fans of emotional and thought-provoking sapphic romances will love this poignant tale of love, loss, and what it means to truly live. As their connection deepens, so do the lies, and Noemi doesn’t know how to make it right. She soon becomes caught in a tangled mess that threatens to tear her, and her burgeoning relationship, apart.

For readers who enjoyed The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid, you won’t want to miss out on this powerful and heartfelt novel. The Paradox of Love and Death is a profound and heart-tugging sapphic adult romance about death, love, and what it really means to be alive.

Non-Exclusive Excerpt:

Amara looks at me and her eyes widen. “Oh my God. It really has. My grandmother’s funeral on the same day as my ex-best-friend’s funeral, and then I get caught up in the horribly tragic family soap opera that was his life? It’s been the shittiest day of my life.”

“I’m so sorry,” I say. I rest my right hand on her elbow as a gesture of sympathy and kindness. She responds by wrapping her fingertips around my wrist.

Her touch feels like something more than kindness. It feels intimate. It feels like an invitation.

“What I can’t understand,” she says, her voice shifting ever so slightly. “If it’s been the shittiest day of my life, then why do I feel so, I don’t know… like, jittery—but almost happy right now? Why do I feel like—like I have butterflies flitting around inside my ribcage?” I feel her graze the length of my fingers.

“Why do you have butterflies flitting around inside your ribcage?” I ask, my own heartbeat suddenly flitting wildly, too.

“Because,” she whispers. “I really want to kiss you.”


“Is that okay?” I nod and let her tug me closer to her.

She wraps her fingers around mine and breathes in my hair. I feel the soft skin of her fingertips trace my jaw. She moans, and I feel my whole body alight with possibility.

I haven’t felt like this since Valeria—and we haven’t even kissed yet.

Fuck, is this really happening? I pull back. What am I doing? Am I really going to make out with a stranger at a funeral?

Her hands loosen in response to my hesitance. “Shit, sorry,” she says. “I thought I felt something between us. I shouldn’t have—”

“I want to kiss you, too,” I hear myself say, and then I pull her towards me. I place my lips on hers, and I feel her body relax and her mouth smile.

Our kiss is clumsy at first—we nearly bump noses, we’re both so nervous. Once we move past our awkwardness, though, we settle into each other’s touch, each other’s breath, each other’s rhythm. Amara’s lips are soft, her skin smooth.

The coarse tips of her long curls graze my cheeks, my forehead. Every time she steals another taste of tongue, every time she bites my bottom lip, ever so gently, she whimpers in pleasure.

My own body is enlivened, too.

It’s been so long.

This feels so good.


I am making out with a stranger at a funeral. This might be a new low, even for me.

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About the Author

Artemis Glass is a multi-genre author of sensually empowering queer adult romance who is on a lifelong journey to reclaim her sources of pleasure.

Her first full-length queer adult romance, The Paradox of Love and Death, is a profound and heart-tugging sapphic HEA about love, death, and what it really means to be alive. Available now on Amazon/KU.

Her Amazon bestselling series, Audrina’s Year of Yearning, follows Audrina Axler-Perez as she undergoes a funny, joyful, and spicy LGBTQ+ midlife awakening.

The novellas, Book 1: A New Year and Book 2: Valentines, Book 3: Lucky, and Book 4: True Colors now available! More coming all year. (Insert Michael Scott joke here.)

Connect with Artemis on IG @artemisglassbooks and on FB @artemisglassbooks.

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Other Worlds Ink

When The Unexpected Becomes Reality VI

I blinked a few times, trying to remember how he jumped out the window, but I could not get a clear picture. It happened far too quickly for my eye to really see.

Confused, I shook my head. “He’s right,” I sighed. “It wouldn’t be right to go on with him.” I grabbed my phone. “Hey there, Can we meet somewhere today?” I texted. His answer came back pretty quickly. “Sure. I wanted to talk to you anyway.” I chuckled. He was always so serious and cryptic. But this time, I had a feeling that he wanted to make sure he would be the one breaking up with me instead of the other way around. ‘Why not give him that chance so he can leave in dignity?’ I thought. And typed: “IHOP, at 11.30 am?” He gave me the thumbs up. “So, that’s done,” I muttered, got up, and climbed into the shower to prepare for the day. If I only had known…

After showering, I typed a brief resignation letter for my employer. I also took a picture of it, saved it in the respective folder, and folded it neatly before stuffing it into an envelope, which I placed in my purse. Then, there was nothing to do, and I finally walked downstairs to face my parents and brothers.

My mother briefly looked at me and set a strong espresso before me. “Drink.” she briefly ordered. I drank it in two big swallows.

I needed to be distracted from all the information I got when facing her. It was overwhelming. I tried to sort through her life and secrets and discovered a lot she had never told a living soul about. She married my father because she sought protection, not out of love… that I was not the dream child she had planned since I was apparently conceived before she agreed to marry my father. She had an older sister who took her own life, an aunt who spent most of her life in jail, and a few more things she desperately tried to keep hidden. She was far smarter than everybody thought, but she was content with her family and duties despite being overwhelmed with the youngest two boys. Apparently, she wished sometimes she was only babysitting them and could return them at the end of the day. She had been grateful for my grandmother… but she was a strong woman, mastering everything she was burdened with.

My father’s information was more relaxed and calmer. He was a modest man, content he had found a woman to take care of him and his needs, which were as easy as his wishes. He was happy to spend most of his time alone, and surprisingly, he knew that I wasn’t his daughter, despite my mother never telling him. He loved the boys, but I was his favorite. He always loved his mother but suspected that there was more about her than what she’d ever let her family know.

The boy’s information was short and simple. They were all of mainly mediocre intelligence and not destined to accomplish grand things in life. At this time their interest circled around playing practical jokes, trying to get out of homework and hoping to take a few sick days off from school.

“Did your Grandmother leave you the store?” I nodded. “Yes. I will take over.” She smiled briefly. “That’s good.” and took a deep breath. I stared at her, and she explained. “Grandmother has always told us this shop was in the family for generations, and it seemed very important to her to leave it to you.”

I nodded. “I know. And she has left me numerous instructions. Also, I have friends of hers to support me. However, I need to renovate it. It has been the same way for decades and looks quite outdated.” My mother seemed to be startled. “Where does the money come from for this kind of construction?” I looked at her, surprised.

She chuckled. “Really, don’t you think I learned a thing or two while living under the same roof as my mother-in-law? She’s been a good teacher, and I liked her very much. You kids only might have seen our differences. But we also had peaceful, nice, and friendly times together. Not that often, but often enough for me to appreciate her knowledge, experience, and wonderful personality. She knew so much… like she held the thread of life in her hands.”

I stared at my mother but only saw the loving, caring, warmhearted Italian Mamma who gave the most comforting hugs on Earth. Her expression was mild and a bit worried. I got up and hugged her. “Thank you, Mom. I’m glad I have you.” Then I left the house.

My employer didn’t take it lightly that I decided to leave. “I’m so sad, Mia.” Monica from HR told me. “Please, if you ever want to return, let me know, ok?” I nodded. “Thank you very much, Monica.” We hugged briefly. And that touch made me flinch. The second she touched me, I knew she didn’t mean anything she said to me – ever. She couldn’t stand me; filled up with jealousy and her own feeling of importance, she radiated so much negativity that it made my skin crawl.

“Do you need to pick up something from the office upstairs?” I shook my head. “No. I don’t have anything personal up there.” She smiled so sweetly that it made me think of sugar and ice cream. I returned her smile. “It was great being part of this. I’m very proud to have belonged to this amazing team.” I smiled, only to see her face falter, and she barely kept her facade up. I turned around and walked toward the exit, my head held high, and I chuckled.

Then I drove over to IHOP. Their parking lot was nearly empty, and I saw that my soon-to-be Ex-boyfriend’s car was nowhere to be seen. I checked my watch to see it was exactly 11:30 am. But I knew he’d be late, so I grabbed my phone and searched online” for construction companies who were able, open, and willing to renovate my Grandmother’s store for a reasonable price.

I talked to two very nice company owners and left messages on the voicemails of two others. When I hung up, I saw J’s car entering the parking lot. I got out of my car at the same time that he did.

He looked at me. “Mia,” he said shortly. I nodded. “J. Good to see you.” He briefly kissed my cheek before we turned to the entrance door, which he opened for me. His other hand was carefully placed on my lower back as if he wanted to protect me. I had always appreciated these gestures, even though they were old-fashioned. But that day, I found it disturbing and smothering.

I didn’t move or act differently than I would have any other day. The host led us to a booth, and we both sat down. Our waitress approached us, and since we had eaten at IHOP numerous times during our relationship, we both knew what we wanted. She beamed, nodded, and turned from us to get our meals.

As soon as she was out of range, J. asked me: “How are you holding up, Darling?” I frowned at him. These kinds of nicknames were normally not his thing, but I politely replied. “I’m okay. Really. No need to worry.” He clapped his flat hand on the table and said, “But I want to worry! Don’t you get it?”

I stared at him. “What?”

The few people in the restaurant turned around, startled by the sudden noise.

I never had seen any impatience, nervousness, or anger in his behavior. This outburst came out of the blue. Finally, I replied. “Joseph, what’s wrong with you? I don’t know you being this unbalanced.”

His voice lowered the volume, and he bent over the table to take my hand. “Mia, my heart. I want to worry because you are the most important thing in my life. I want to worry, protect, be there for you, and always be with you.”

That was not what I had expected, and I sighed. “What are you talking about?”

He searched his jacket and finally unearthed a small blue jewelry box. I tried to sigh as unobtrusively as possible. “Please, J. Don’t do that!” I pleaded. At that moment, the waitress returned with our plates. She saw the jewelry box and smiled widely. “Oooohhh! What a wonderful, beautiful picture! I always wanted to see a prop….” I interrupted her sharply. “Don’t you dare! This is none of your business. I would recommend you leave the plates here, turn around and leave. And I’m only saying this once.”

Her face fell, but she did as she was told. And I turned back to Joseph. “J. Let’s eat before it gets cold. After this brunch, I will tell you what I have to say. Right now, I don’t have any head or heart for talking about a common future. Is that clear?” He nodded, a bit intimidated.

While we ate, we mainly talked about his job, his mother, and when his newly ordered car would arrive. After the meal, I asked for a box, as I always do, and watched him frown. However, he didn’t say anything, and I cleared my throat. “Joseph,” I said. He flinched. He didn’t like me calling him ‘Joseph’. He preferred J., but I couldn’t be considerate at that moment. I had to finish this to concentrate on the tasks and duties ahead of me.

“J. I will have to break up with you, I’m sorry. I won’t have time for you, taking over my Grandmother’s shop, with everything else on my plate, and I want to make this short. You’re a great guy, and I enjoyed the time with you. With all the changes in my life, there is no room for you anymore. Please forgive me. I know I’m being rude; I don’t like that at all. And I don’t like to hurt you either.”

Joseph sat across the table, looking like I had hit him with a baseball bat. “But… but…” he stammered. I smiled at him. “You’ll find another girl soon enough, J. Don’t worry!” I patted his hand, got up, grabbed my box, and left the restaurant.

I was crossing the parking lot to get to my car when I heard my name called from the back. Joseph hadn’t given up. With a sigh, I turned around, only to see my ex-boyfriend staring at me, with bloodred eyes in his hand, a green shimmering, wildly formed dagger that he threw at me.

Everything went so fast, despite me thinking of ducking, I was completely unable to move until a brick wall hit me, and I found myself kissing the asphalt, my nose bleeding, my hands burning like fire, and my hip protesting. I tried to look up, but when I heard a door going and footsteps, even voices, everything seemed to be far, far away.

Until I found myself pulled up and set onto my own feet, my bleeding nose covered with an old-fashioned white handkerchief and pressed to a rock-hard male chest. Tez’s voice sounded dampened when he said: “I can’t even let you out of sight for one minute without you getting into trouble.”

I looked up at him and replied angrily: “That’s as sure as hell not my fault. What was that, anyway?” Tez chuckled. “You tell me! I saw you guys having breakfast, which you should have had with me. Just saying.”

After a deep breath, I replied, “Who I saw was Joseph, my ex-boyfriend. But it looked like he wanted to throw a dagger at me, and I couldn’t believe that’s what I saw. Joseph has always been a balanced, well-controlled man, mild-mannered and caring.”

Tez laughed. “Joseph, it is, nowadays? Well… I know that creature differently.” My eyebrows narrowed. “What creature?” The man who held me up smiled. “This guy’s name for the past millennia has been Apollo.”

The shock must have been visible on my face. Tez hugged me, then again lifted me up in his arms and carried me over to a huge pickup truck. He stuffed me into the passenger seat and fastened my seatbelt.

“What are you doing?” I inquired. Tez laughed. “I’ll take you home. You’re shocked, injured, and shaken. I won’t let you drive like this. I wanted to protest, but his lips were on mine, and every word was silenced while I was melting within the kiss.

Tez smiled. “Don’t worry… things will work out. And for the moment, you got me.” He ran around the truck, climbed into the driver’s seat, and started the car.

My brain started to crumble, and all I could think at that moment was: “What a mess…”


(Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images)

Please respect the writer’s copyright (Copyright: A. J. Alexander – April 2024)

Part 10

Part 9

Part 8

Part 7

Part 6

Part 5

Part 4

Part 3

Part 2

Part 1

Tangled Tales: Snow Mountain – Written By Juliette Kings

Image courtesy of

I just read this amazing, thrilling, and unique story written by Juliette Kings (aka Vampire Maman), a friend of mine, talented author, and wonderful Mom. I admire her for many things, and this story is one to tell! Enjoy it!

Snow Mountain

I usually don’t answer my phone when I see a number I don’t recognize but I was expecting a call from a big potential client. If I got this contact it would pay for my daughter’s first year in graduate school with maybe some left over.

Me: Hello this is Astrid.

My caller: Hi Astrid, I met your son Sam the other day at the Disk Bay Observatory. He told me you’d painted the mural in the lobby. Your work is beautiful.

It wasn’t Louanne Freeman, the woman who wanted half a dozen insanely expensive and historic paintings restored. 

Me: Who is this?

My caller: Nevil Simon.

Me: Oh my goodness. goodness. Nev Simon.

He went on a bit about what he’d been doing for the past thirty five years. Just a bit. Astrophysics. Divorce. No kids. Two cats. He’d looked up my online portfolio. 

Nevil Simon wanted to see me. Let’s back up a bit. I’m a 60 year old widow with three kids who are all out of the house, but still in college. Nevil Simon, an old flame from my college days contacted me. Yes, that Nevil. The one I never talked about but never forgot. 

We met in at his cabin in Tahoe. The weather was perfect, but we still ended up spending most of our time inside.

On the last night there, over steaks and a nice bottle of Zinfandel, Nevil smiled and took my hand. I looked into his big brown eyes, with those long lashes, and thought he was going to tell me something horribly romantic. 

“Some friends of mine invited me to go with them to the Snow Mountain Wilderness to find Bigfoot. Come with us. It will be fun,” he said. “A real adventure.”

Maybe at my age I shouldn’t be thinking of romance.

“Are you serious? Bigfoot?”

He laughed. “I don’t want to go alone. I need another sane person there with me.”

“It will be in the 90’s and there will be a million rattle snakes,” I said.

“The nights cool down to the 50’s.”

But my heart fluttered a bit. More than a bit. Damn, at 61 Nevil was still hot. “Fine, I’ll wear my heavy boots,” I said.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go into the wilderness and sleep on the ground in a tent. The Snow Mountain Wilderness is beautiful. I didn’t want to go into the wilderness with a group of die hard cryptozoologists. I didn’t want to go out into the woods at night with night gear goggles and listen for the howls of giant hairy humanoid creatures who might or might not exist.

It all just seemed weird. 

But I was going anyway. I was going because of a boy. A sixty one year old boy.

Nevil told me not to worry about food but I’m a mom, so I packed a few things. Old habits die hard. I packed wine, and cheese, and chocolate. I read that Bigfoots, or Bigfeets, or Sasquatches, or Squatches, or whatever, I heard they liked apples and other gifts, so I brought apples. I like apples so they wouldn’t be wasted. I couldn’t’ believe I was packing apples for am eight foot tall mythical beast. 

I also packed stuff for smores, and Smokehouse almonds, because large hairy creatures in the wilderness might like something that wasn’t squirrel meat or acorns or whatever the hell they eat, if they do indeed exist and eat. I figured if the Bigfoots didn’t want to make smores I’d make them for the humans. Everyone loves smores.

I told my kids where I was going and what I’d be doing. They couldn’t stop laughing. They asked me to take lots of pictures, and told me to have fun and be careful. Sam told me to bring condoms. His siblings, Rachael and Chase laughed out loud. I love my kids.

The drive to the turn off for the Big Foot Camp was a three and a half hour drive. It gave Nevil and I an opportunity to catch up that didn’t involve alcohol or sex. 

“So, why’d you ask me to this Big Foot thing again?” I asked. 

“I thought you’d be up for it. You always liked weird things, so I decided to look you up.”

“Weird things?”


When The Unexpected Becomes Reality V

When the stranger stepped into the modest flood of light, I had a gut feeling that this creature was not human. I tilted my head to the side, my nostrils opened slightly, and I smelled the distinctive odor of a cat—in this case, probably a tomcat—and I frowned.

“A shapeshifter?” I asked, scared that my predicted instincts had played a trick on me. The stranger smiled a bit sadly. Klotho.” He sighed. “I should have known when I saw that the walls and windows of this store kept resisting the repeated attacks of a chair, a baseball bat, a cowfoot, and a few bullets.”

For a moment, we stared at each other; our eyes didn’t blink or disconnect, and for the next few seconds, I knew I had met someone who could hurt me very much.

The stranger stepped to me, far too close, violating my personal space, grabbing my waist, bending over me, and then our lips touched. It was like an explosion of light and electricity. My knees turned into pudding, and I held on for dear life to avoid falling unceremoniously onto my back.

The man interrupted the kiss and snorted. “Oh, pa-leeeeze.” He growled. “I’m a cat and a pretty strong one, too. I won’t let go of you.” I felt my cheeks becoming hot.

“Well, Stranger, would you mind setting me onto my own two feet and ensuring I get something back that I just lost?”

His eyebrows lifted, and he asked carefully: “And what would that be?” I sighed. “My inner balance.” He laughed.

This encouraged me to remind him: “Can you please make sure I stand upright now?”

He simply replied. “No.”

I swallowed. “No?”

The smile enhanced his already handsome countenance, transforming it into a strikingly beautiful visage. “You used to call me ‘Tez’.”

Despite my confusion, I suddenly knew who I dealt with. “Tezcatlipoca.” ** I whispered. The man lifted me up into his arms and carried me to the back of the shop, behind the curtain, where he carefully placed me onto the daybed, bent over me, and kissed me again. That was the moment I literally passed out.

When I woke up, I was lying across my bed in my parents’ house, fully dressed, teary-eyed, frustrated, and sad. I had no idea why until I remembered my dream about my Grandmother being Klotho and me inheriting her tasks and duties as one of the Fates. And I blushed, remembering the passionate kiss I shared with Tez.

I sat up and flinched. He sat in the corner on my old rocking chair, beaming at me. “Good Morning.”

“So, it wasn’t a dream, then?”

He shook his head. “I’m afraid not, my dear.” He rose, kissed me again, and walked to the open window. “You should end your relationship with that man,” he said curtly before he jumped out the window and was gone.


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** Originally a deity from the Toltec peoples, Tezcatlipoca was primarily seen as the god of night and sorcery and the patron god of kings and warriors. He was also believed to be a prolific shapeshifter, more often transforming into a jaguar, his spotted skin and fur representing the starry night sky.

Please respect the writer’s copyright (Copyright: A. J. Alexander – April 2024)

Part 10

Part 9

Part 8

Part 7

Part 6

Part 5

Part 4

Part 3

Part 2

Part 1

When The Unexpected Becomes Reality IV

I was starting to get curious about the ‘big secret’… How big could that secret be in a yarn and fabric shop? I was about to find out. My adventurer blood stirred, and I was eager to get to the next page.

There I read,

This, dear Mia, is the quote from an ancient scroll. And until this day, it’s simply true. Now, as for the ‘Gods,’ we learned that there is only one God; everybody else is His helper. If you remember correctly, we have discussed History numerous times and included the Greek Gods in our discussions. Of course, you learned about Zeus, Apollo, Hera, and the others… but there is a triad we never discussed, and I’d like to introduce you to them right now.

Meet ‘The Fates’ (Moirae). The Fates were said to be the daughters of either Nyx (the Night) or of Zeus and Themis (Law and Justice). There were three Fates: Klotho (the Spinner), Lachesis (the Measurer/Apportioner), and Atropos (the Unbending/Inflexible one).

The Fates, masters of the time, are very much existent until this day. I don’t know where their roots are… too much time has passed to determine that part. But The Fates weave the thread of life for each individual human being. Now, the power of this task is immeasurable and can easily be abused by the wrong person. And that’s what needs protection.

With me gone, you will take over, Mia, my child. You accepted your faith, future, and duties by opening this box.

Of course, it is clear, by now, that I was, indeed, one of the three Fates… and to be precise, I was Klotho. (And yes, the K is the European way to write that name, and it has nothing to do with the Kardashians).

I chuckled. I had no idea my Grandmother was familiar with that TV show. However, in addition to being amused, I also realized how enormous the responsibility my Grandmother handed me was. I turned the page and continued reading.

“I know you, my girl Mia. By now, you must have understood the responsibility of the burden I loaded on your shoulders. But fear not. You are me, as much as I was you. I gave you all you need to master these tasks, including my instincts, my knowledge, and the love that goes with these duties. You know what to do and how to do it. But you will have to work with your sisters, Lachesis and Atropos. The Fates come in three and always work together. They might be strangers to you, but they will also seem oddly familiar. Don’t be surprised; they both are ancient, and that’s what they look like. Despite our tasks, duties, and endless existence, we are still subject to the restrictions of the human life span and the aging process that comes with it. Occasionally, we live a bit longer, but we must move once our human time has come.”

Now, I come to a significant chapter. Mia, my darling girl. Me not being here anymore and having to die is not your fault! I had no idea my time had come until Lachesis contacted me. I was joking when I said you ‘jinxed it.’. I was not dying from a jinx. I passed away because my human body was mortal, and its time had come. I could tell you about every lifespan I have met, but I could not predict my own. You will face the same challenge. But then, You are a triad. And my sisters and I always worked closely together. You are not alone.

And now, don’t be afraid, Mia. Get up, walk out, and stay strong. You will have to overcome a few difficulties that will influence your life as it has been until now. They will become instinctual with time, and you will master them perfectly. But it might be a bit scary to begin with. Once you leave this shop, you are going to know things in every person’s life who you will meet. It might be a bit overwhelming at first, but it will be fine, I promise.

Just one essential thing: You are the Spinner of their threads, but you are not allowed to change anything in their lives—never! And you are never allowed to tell anyone what to expect or how short their life will be. I know your first reaction will be that you would never have thought about doing this. But it won’t be easy, considering you are going to face your father and mother in the next few hours.

Remember that you are Klotho but will also be Mia, my granddaughter. Nothing will ever change that. Stick to who you are. And first thing tomorrow, quit your job. You will not only take over the shop and supervise the renovation, but you will also be busy with the fates of innumerable humans. (Talking about the renovation and me telling you not to use lavender. It’s Atropos’ favorite color, and I think it’s boring. But that’s only a detail.)

Be happy, be yourself, and do what you have been sent to do.

With all my love

Your Grandma, Alessandra K DeLuca

That was the moment that changed my life entirely. Now I knew what she meant when she wrote that my life would never be the same and that going forward with exploring the secret would mean I couldn’t go back. And she was right.

Children’s tales, magic, and life-changing decisions took a new dimension. I was, indeed, scared. But I took a little comfort in knowing that I was not alone. I was curious about ‘my sisters’. But tonight I wouldn’t be able to do anything more… I packed up the box and the letters and finally discovered something else was in the box. When I lifted it out, it turned out to be an hourglass. A small sticker said: “Ask Lachesis about this.”

I sighed, placed everything carefully in the safe, locked it, and turned around to leave the shop. Then, I suddenly discovered a tall, dark silhouette inside the store by the door. I screeched briefly but heard a hissing noise like the stranger had ‘shushed’ me.

I curiously stepped closer, instinctively feeling that there was no danger from this human, only to realize that this being wasn’t entirely human.

“Who are you?” I asked.

The stranger stepped forward, closer to the light, and I held my breath…


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Please respect the writer’s copyright (Copyright: A. J. Alexander – April 2024)

Part 10

Part 9

Part 8

Part 7

Part 6

Part 5

Part 4

Part 3

Part 2

Part 1

When The Unexpected Becomes Reality III

After reading my Grandmother’s note, I stared blindly at the old wooden box. My Grandma’s warning stood clearly on the box in the form of my name. She had written ‘Mia’ in strong, nearly angry letters… and I re-read her words carefully several [hundred] times: “… be aware, once it’s opened, you won’t be able to go back. Decide wisely”.

Had I followed my instincts, the instincts of an adventurer, I would have opened that box in a heartbeat. But I also had a Grandmother who reminded me clearly: “I don’t care what decisions you make on your clothing, makeup, or dinner… but if you stand at a fork and have to decide which path to follow, you better darn well hesitate for a moment to think about the consequences this takes on your life.”

(She had also said, “I have no idea where the Hell you got your adventurer gen from… nobody in my family had it, or your mother’s family. Unless you count Grand Uncle Luigi, your Grandfather’s brother. But that’s a story for another time.”)

It took me somewhat three hours, then I decided… “What the ….” I opened the box, and – it changed my life forever.


On top of the box, I found a quite large envelope with my name on it, once again. Grandmother had apparently taken a lot of time and effort to make sure I was well-instructed and followed her wishes. If only I had known how wrong I was.

I opened the envelope, expecting a legal document, muttering. “You got quite the will here, Grandma. I have no idea… wow!” I didn’t get a legal will; I got a booklet. To be precise, it was a collection of scribbled on parchment sheets that were closely connected by an awkward purple thread. The parchment seemed to be very old but in a decent shape. I also found a sticky note pinned to the front. “Put that aside for the moment, Mia. It is not my will.” I chuckled.

Then I held a few closely written sheets in my hands, addressed to me once again. I turned the first page and began to read:

“Mia, once you read this, I’m gone from this Earth. I know that sounds dramatic, but please be assured that it isn’t a problem. It doesn’t mean I’m completely gone. I just basically transitioned from one dimension to another. But I’m still around to guide you. Don’t be scared, please. I haven’t gone mad. I know how that sounds, girl. As much as an adventurer you are, my child, you will go on a ride wilder than you will ever imagine. Nobody will be able to follow you. And still, you won’t be alone.

Let me give you the instructions first, and please follow them to the tee.

  1. Re-arrange the store, with everything in it, renovate, re-furnish, and paint. You can choose whatever color you like, except lavender. You will later find out why. You can change and switch whatever you want, but leave the showcase cabinet in the corner by the cashier’s desk untouched under all circumstances.
  2. Organize a grand opening, introducing yourself as the new owner. (When I had to do that, we sent out letters to returning customers; you can use the email list. It’s on paper in the top drawer of the desk. The password is there too, somewhere)
  3. Do not show any surprise about the people you will meet at the opening. They are quite unique.
  4. Two of the ladies you will meet are going to introduce themselves as your sisters, don’t be shocked, please. Because it’s true. You three are blood-connected. It’s a very, very old bloodline, and once again, I’ll get back to that later.
  5. When one of our neighbors are entering the shop, sell them, whatever they need. It’s all fine merchandise. The supplier list is in the drawer as well.
  6. The invited guests to the opening of the shop are different. They don’t come for the yarn, knitting needles, or crochet instructions… they come for something else.
  7. Under no circumstances should you ever open the corner cabinet and continue the knitting project there or try to finish it. Guard this project, the wool, the knitting needles, and the secret with your life.

Now, I will come to a chapter within these instructions that will change your world forever…


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Please respect the writer’s copyright (Copyright: A. J. Alexander – April 2024)

Part 10

Part 9

Part 8

Part 7

Part 6

Part 5

Part 4

Part 3

Part 2

Part 1

When The Unexpected Becomes Reality II

The day was cold and gray, and the rain was drizzling—the kind of weather you would expect when having a funeral.

My family was shocked to the core when Grandma passed. The boys cried openly, my father tried to hide his tears, but occasionally showed up with red eyes. My mother was petrified. She seemed unreasonably scared. Yes, it wouldn’t be easy to bring up three young boys and a husband all by herself, but she was a strong Italian woman, stubborn and righteous; she would do what had to be done.

As for me, I felt guilty as hell. Since I said, Grandma looked healthy and well and her visible fear, I felt like I had murdered her. Maybe not with a knife, but with words, and that thought didn’t let me go. I was devastated. Later that evening, when the boys were in bed, mother cooked spaghetti, as she always does, when something is bothering her, my father called me into the ‘library’ he used as a study and office. The room didn’t deserve either one expression and usually served as a protected cave where he was safe from the boys and his wife a little bit, too.

I walked in, and Dad got up and hugged me. “It’s a hard time, girl.” He said with a sigh. I knew he referred to the death of his mother and not the times we were going through. It wasn’t like the family was on the edge of starvation. But Dad had a tendency to drama, and I just let it go. When he sat back down, I let myself sink on the stool next to the fireplace and looked at him expectantly. He had called me in for a particular reason, and I wouldn’t ask him to tell me. He’d get to that at his own pace.

“Mia…” My father began slowly. I looked at him. “My mother told me that she won’t stay on Earth much longer. And she made me promise that I would give you this envelope once she’s gone.” He took a deep breath, which ended up sounding like a sigh, and continued. “She made me swear I wouldn’t interfere in your life, as it would be from now on. And she clearly told me that it would be your decision to accept or decline her offer.”

I stared at him in naked horror. “What kind of offer?” My father shrugged. “Grandma was always quite mysterious when it came to life-changing decisions, Karma, death, and things like that. I didn’t ever ask questions.”

He handed me the envelope and gripped his chin. “Whatever it says, girl, whatever it is… I’m not included, and neither is your mother. I’m supposed to tell you that. Everything else is in here.”

With these words, he got up and left the small room.

I caught myself staring after him, feeling helpless. After the door closed behind my father, I looked down at the envelope in my hand and didn’t move for a long time. I couldn’t decide on whether I should take the challenge or not. My Grandma might have been theatrical and overly dramatic at times, but she was also my Grandmother, who had been fighting all her life. She was strong, independent, and with great power but always human and with understanding and love. That love that I had felt surrounding me all my life, coming from her, finally made me open the envelope.

With one swing of my hand (and a quite deep papercut) I picked up the chaotic future of my life, not knowing what would be next.

The envelope contained a folded piece of paper and a key.

I picked up the latter and unfolded the sheet to read my Grandmother’s handwriting. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I could barely read what she wrote. Finally, I carefully wiped them off and looked at the paper again.

“This is the only key to the ‘Magia del Segreto.’ I want you to go to the store, behind the desk, and open the top drawer on the right. From there, I will guide you. Don’t be afraid, child. You always were closest to my heart; my love will be with you all your life. – Grandma (Alessandra K DeLuca – La Donna dei segreti)

I knew I had my second name from my grandmother, which was no surprise there, but her theatric ‘La Donna dei segreti’ made me giggle.

I got up and walked outside. The store wasn’t too far, and I needed some air, that’s why I decided to walk. I put on my coat, grabbed an umbrella, and left the house.

The evening had turned into a night, and further away from the house, I passed a few dark alleys and a couple of shady characters. But I held my head high, and nobody bothered me. They looked at me almost shyly and then lowered their eyes. I was surprised. There were moments in my life when I had to defend myself with everything I had from dirty passes. But this evening, it seemed, I was lucky.

When I arrived at the ‘Magia del Segreto,’ I used the key in my fist in my coat pocket. The old door opened without any further problem.

After closing the door, I went to the desk, as instructed, and opened the top drawer on the right. There, I found a seemingly old wooden box with my name on it and another folded paper. I curiously sat down but then realized that the light in the store permitted everyone to look into the store’s windows and see me. Therefore, I decided to lock the door, pull the old dark green curtains, and turn on the desk lamp instead of the ceiling lights.

Finally, I took place, opened the next folded sheet, and read: ‘Mia, as of now, this is your store. It’s your responsibility. You can do whatever you want with it. If you like, sell it. But if you want to go on a wonderous adventure, joining the ranks of us ‘Women of Secrets’, please open the box. Just be aware: Once it’s opened, you won’t be able to go back. Decide wisely. – Alessandra K DeLuca


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Please respect the writer’s copyright (Copyright: A. J. Alexander – April 2024)

Part 10

Part 9

Part 8

Part 7

Part 6

Part 5

Part 4

Part 3

Part 2

Part 1

Welcome Spring 2024

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BLOG TOUR: Down The Line


1.        When did you start writing?

I’m the classic case of “pretending to be an adult while actually still hanging out with my imaginary friends”. I’ve been dreaming up stories all my life, but it took a while to actually start writing them down. My debut came out in 2019. It’s hard to believe that it’s been five years already.

2.        What genre do you write in and what made you chose this particular genre?

I write mostly romantic suspense. “Write what you love to read!” And I love to read stories where the stakes for the main characters are high, and the heroes are thrown together to solve a mystery or go on a quest.

So, these are also my favorite books to write. I enjoy combining the “certainty” of romance (HEA guaranteed) with the “twists and turns” of mystery and suspense and, yeah, adding in some life-and-death stakes is always fun.

3.        What is your goal in writing? Do you have dreams where your writing should take you?

These days, my personal life is a whirlwind of activity. I’m balancing a full-time job, family and friends with being an author and there are never enough hours in a day. I admit I love my busy life.

So, as much as I would enjoy spending more time writing, I probably would get a little restless. I think my dream would be to own a bed & breakfast in coastal Maine. Organize writer retreats and write my stories.

5.        Do you ever suffer from writer’s block and if yes, how do you deal with it?

My writer’s block is usually imposter syndrome. That nagging little voice telling me I have no business ‘writing the stories I’m writing’. It happens…

I usually give myself a little time to breathe and to step away. There isn’t a perfect way to deal with writer’s block, but usually, I re-read some positive reviews, remind myself of what I have accomplished, or call up one of my author friends. The MM Romance community is usually a great place to find encouragement.

And then, my characters are rarely ever quiet, but demand that their story needs to be written!!

6.        What advice would you like to give new, hopeful authors?

Don’t compare yourself with others. There’s always somebody who writes faster, sells more and in general is more successful. It’s okay to figure out your own way in your own time. In the end, it will make you unique and a whole lot happier.

Which, in general, is a lot easier that then done… I admit I struggle at times to listen to my own good advice!!

7.        Please, tell us about your work.

Down the Line is a romantic suspense. The story is a fast-moving action plot, but my romance is character-driven. It’s the fourth book on a series, Jake’s Bar, but as each book is a new couple it can easily be read as a standalone.

Dean Hunt is a reporter. He is chasing front page news and dreams of winning the Pulitzer for investigative journalism. Dean believes with every fiber of his being in the power of a free and independent press. He’s also a pretty flawed human being. He’s got a temper. His moral compass is shot. Morally gray is a good label for him. The end justifies the means.

Noel Conway is a rich party boy who, unapologetically, partied his way all across the European continent. There’s a blog dedicated to Noel’s exploits—yup, his life is deliciously scandalous. But Noel is also very kind. He likes people. He takes the time to really listen to a person. He’s got that killer smile that lights up a room.

Dean Hunt, my hot-headed investigative journalist, needs a frontpage story to recover from some setbacks, and Noel Conway, troubled party boy and drifter, is trying to protect the ones he loves. They’ve got bad history together, but the line between enemies and lovers gets blurred when danger comes knocking…

The stage is set for a suspense plot with twists and turns and a swoon-worthy second chance romance.

Thank you for being my guest. It was such a pleasure to have you here!!

About the book:

Author Name: AG Meiers

Release Date: Thursday, April 4 2024

Tour Type: 7-Day Blog Tour

Tour Start Date: Thursday, April 4 2024

Publishing Company: Painted Hearts Publishing

Primary Plot Arc: Romance

Pairings (Only if PRIMARILY a romance): male/male

Main Genre(s): Romance

Sub-Genres: romantic suspense

Story Type: Novel (>50k)

Word Count: 75000

LGBTQ+ Identities (if applicable): gay

Keywords/Categories: romantic suspense, gay romance

Tropes: romantic suspense, hot-headed journalist, troubled player, lovers to enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, found family, second chance, gay romance, mm romance, romantic suspense, gay, mm, romance, new release, announcement, giveaway

Is This Part of a Series?: Yes

Position (Number) in Series: 4

Necessary to Read Previous Books: No, But It Doesn’t Hurt

Series Title: Jake’s Bar

Other Books in Series Available for Review?: Yes

Title for Other Book(s) in Series:

1-End of the Line

2-Crossing the Line

3-Outside the Lines

Book Blurb:

Revenge is a Dangerous Obsession.

Dean Hunt needs the story of a lifetime—Since his uncompromising attitude got him fired, the investigative journalist is hell-bent to expose the powerful and corrupt Conway family. It’s a career move, and absolutely not a vendetta against the oldest son Noel, who ghosted Dean after a mind-blowing weekend together.

Noel Conway needs a new start—After years away, Noel has come home to rebuild the bridges he’s burned. Too bad his past caused a ripple effect he can’t outrun. Now, he’s asked to save his family from the one man he never expected to see again but can’t forget.

Dean is chasing front-page news, and Noel is trying to protect the ones he loves. But the line between enemies and lovers gets blurred when a dangerous criminal from Noel’s past resurfaces. Will the truth shatter their tentative trust? Or do they have a shot at happily ever after?

But none of that matters when suddenly Noel disappears…

Down the Line, the final book in the award-winning Jake’s Bar series, is a spicy, M/M romantic suspense featuring a rainbow-colored bar full of quirky characters, and all the romance you can handle. So, download today, and get ready to fall in love with Jake’s Bar.

Warnings: smoking cigarettes and weed in the hot tub, kidnapping (on page scenes restrained), verbally abusive father

Series Blurb:

The award-winning Jake’s Bar series is a set of steamy, M/M romantic suspense novels, featuring a rainbow- colored bar full of quirky characters, and all the romance you can handle.

Non-Exclusive Excerpt:

As Dean reached the top of the staircase, a man stepped out of the shadows in front of his door. Dean straightened his shoulders. “Detective Conway.”


In a parallel universe, they might have been friends. They were fighting the same fight. Had the same enemies. In this world, they weren’t brothers in arms. In this world, Dean had been cast as the villain.

“How can I help you this fine morning?”

“Open the door. We gotta talk.”

“Look, it’s been a long night—”

“Just open the damn door.” Conway snarled, pushing into Dean’s personal space.

Dean stood his ground. “Are you here in an official capacity? Because then, the answer is no, I won’t let you in. You have no warrant, no permission to search my property. I don’t consent—”

“Just shut the fuck up. None of us wants this shitshow to be on the record,” Con growled.

Dean, curious, took a step back and raised his empty hand, palm up. “Okay.”

He fished for his key, pushed open the door, and quickly disarmed his alarm system. Conway didn’t wait to be invited in, just crossed the living room, dropped his shearling coat onto the sofa, then walked over to the large window overlooking the river.

The view was the only redeeming feature of Dean’s otherwise-generic apartment. The mess didn’t help. There were dirty dishes piled up in the sink, a pizza box on the breakfast counter separating the cramped kitchen from the living room, and an unmade bed in the other corner of the room.

“For a guy who anxiously waited at my doorstep, you’re awfully quiet.” Dean smirked. “Coffee?”

“No.” Conway turned his back, now studying the row of framed newspaper front pages Dean had hung on the apartment’s interior wall. His personal collection of historic headlines—headlines that changed the world.

The oldest was from July 6, 1776. The Pennsylvania Evening Post, printing the Declaration of Independence on its front page. Next to it, the Daily Telegram, declaring the end of the Second World War. The two most recent, the New York Times’ “OBAMA: Racial barrier falls in heavy turnout” and, of course, the front page the day after 9/11.

Dean had added a few more personal favorites, like Moneta J. Sleet’s photography of Coretta Scott King at MLK’s funeral. The first Black man to win the Pulitzer for journalism.

Conway took his time examining each framed newspaper. Dean already regretted allowing the intrusion into his space. He felt exposed—vulnerable—under silent scrutiny.

Irritated, he started banging around the kitchen. He was in no mood to explain that looking at those headlines every day fueled his ambitions and inspired his dreams. Dean believed with every fiber of his being in the power of a free and independent press.

He turned on the coffee machine and leaned against the counter. As if Conway felt Dean’s angry glare across the room, he finally turned and stared right back. For a moment, they engaged in a silent standoff.

Unease flittered through Dean. Camille had been right. Her brother was seething with anger. And Dean had no fucking idea what he’d done to piss him off. He sighed and shook his head, then took two mugs out of the cabinet and put them onto the island. “Miguel, have a damn coffee. You look like you need it.”

“Says the man who clearly slept in his party clothes and crept home at sunup.”

“Guilty as charged.” Dean shrugged.

Conway curled his lip. “I do not know what my sister sees in you.”

It wasn’t a question, so Dean didn’t bother with an answer. “You wanted to talk? So, talk.”

Instead of talking, though, Conway pulled out a stack of papers. Pushing aside the coffee cups to make room, he spread them out over the counter.

Dean froze. The first blurry photograph featured Dean in another man’s arms. In the next, the same man was pressing Dean against a white porch railing, his own hands tangled in the man’s messy curls. Conway fanned the stack, revealing nearly a dozen more.

Dean and Noel Conway, kissing.

Suddenly, he was there again, the ocean breeze tugging on his clothes. Noel’s warm skin, tasting like sunshine and a hint of salt, his eyes blown with desire. Goddamn, so fucking beautiful, with that shy smile, whispered promises—

Dean’s throat was desert dry. His ragged breath and the hissing of the coffee machine came together like a fucking symphony. “I—”

“Save it. My sister thinks you’re this hotshot journalist. Full of passion. Braving adversity. Motivated by a noble cause. Yeah, fuck that. You’re after my family because Noel pounded your ass, then dropped you like he does everybody else. Your pride—your precious ego—is hurt because you’re just another notch in my brother’s carved-up bedpost.”

Conway grabbed his jacket and walked to the door. He turned and added, “Watch it, Hunt. You got no job. No friends. No prospects. But if you think you’ve reached rock bottom, think again.”

Dean contained himself until he heard his door close with a soft click. Only then did he allow himself to swipe papers, cups, and the fucking photos off his counter. The cups shattered on the tile floor.

Universal Buy Link:


AG is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card with this tour:

<a class=”rcptr” href=”; rel=”nofollow” data-raflid=”b60e8d47310″ data-theme=”classic” data-template=”” id=”rcwidget_hloavvdp”>a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>

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About the Author:

Eighteen years ago, AG Meiers came to the US for adventure and stayed for love. Currently, she lives in New England with her husband and two awesome kids—balancing work, friends and family, and writing.

When she has some free time, her favorite thing to do is travel and visit new places. Her past trips have already brought her to a variety of countries on four continents. She never passes up an opportunity to experience different cultures, diverse people and amazing locations.

Even though she has been dreaming up stories all her life, she has only recently started to write them down and share them with the world. As a writer she loves to put her characters through a lot of challenges, conflict and heartbreak, before she allows them to find their happy-ever-after.

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