Touch of nature

Having experienced a slight spring storm has inspired me to write a new poem.

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Being outside I enjoy so much

natures’ way my skin to touch.

So many ways for me to feel

as soft as silk as hard as steel.


Nature’s force has so much power,

calming you and also shower

the dried out ground with strength and fear

never doubt its breathless sphere.


When the golden suns’ breathe warming you,

its feather touch go through and through.

But there something real to keep in mind

The raindrops follow just behind.


When summer days end up in heat

may be other forces to defeat.

in ice and storm is to prevail

the feared and scary summer hail.


Colder than my skin could sense

breaking through my self defence

of scarf and gloves and winter flow

I still can feel the snow.


But most of all it’s always been

just one thing to touch my burning skin

that nature’s gift could make me please

by sending out a summer breeze.


Aurora Jean Alexander, Copyright 2015