Guest Post – written by Val Rainey

Many years ago, way back in 1997 I’d just come home from a very freeing and spiritual evening with a group of amazing friends. As I sat on my bed and reviewed notes that I’d taken I noticed a big daisy pin perched on the pencil rail of my calendar frame. The pin belonged to my mom.

There began the first stirrings of Sunny’s Grand Adventure.

“the daisy on the wall”

Well, travel through the years from then until the late fall of 2004, and the daisy flew from the wall to land smack dab in the middle of The Big Green Meadow (working on other ideas to expand into a series).

Sunny decides that she wants to fly. With help from Rosalita and Nahala (uh, uh, I’m not telling you who or what they are you’ll just have to get your very own copy) she sets off on her flight.

She meets some interesting animals along the way and a seven-year-old farm boy named Jamie.

So, how did Sunny and I get from the wall to the meadow? Well, it was quiet the journey for both of us.

Sunny grew from those first few words to, eight pages of double spaced hand written scribble and finally to a six chapter story/colouring book.

Most of our trip was great fun but not always easy. Sunny went through an awful lot of revisions and rewrites including adding a middle to the book. At one point I thought I was doing pretty darned good until I realized that the story had a beginning and an end but no middle…….oops!

Throughout most of the adventure Sunny and I had a very special companion…Pam (Masi) Wright. She is a very talented artist. Her favourite style is totally whimsical. She is magical person who can almost literally rummage around in your head for five minutes and emerge with the most glorious and perfect ideas for how your characters should look. Love  her!

I was also fortunate to  meet Judy  O’Shea at a local women’s trade show. She is normally a technical writing editor but couldn’t resist my charm…or at least Sunny’s. When Judy edits you need to have both the original copy and her work side by side to even realize that there is a difference. She’s that good!

I also had several author friends read the story for me and they really couldn’t come up with many problems except for the word ‘trio’. Not  bad for a newbie, eh.

Any how… Sunny was published  in 2004 by The Elf and Toadstool Press (me). She has since been spotted flying around Australia, Germany, England, of course Canada and several of the states of the U.S.A.

Not  bad for a little daisy.


When you want your very own copy of Sunny’s Grand Adventure just visit and click on the Book Nook tab.

A portion of the proceeds is donated to Lethbridge Family Centre right here in beautiful downtown Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

You are also welcome to visit my business site




Happy reading,

Val Rainey