Soul Taker On The ‘When Angels Fly’-Blog

This week I’m a guest on the ‘When Angels Fly’-Blog. Thank you so much for the great interview and the wonderful way you presented ‘Soul Taker’! I can’t thank you enough!

The post contains an interview, a book excerpt, the book description, the book links, and my social media links.

This week, we are pleased to feature on our blog, Aurora Jean Alexander, author of Soul Taker. Aurora – this blog is yours for now.

When did you start writing and how did that come about?
I doubt I can tell you one particular time or even time frame when I started writing. I felt that’s what I wanted to do. Since I lack a talent in painting and drawing I had to do something with my creativity and decided that’s the way to do it.
I’m not sure there ever was “a start”. I learned to write at the age of four and I remember developing little stories since I’m a Kindergarten kid. In school, when others complained about essays, mine were easily 6 – 10 pages long, I enjoyed it so much.

Tell us about you, what you want readers to know.


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