Hiding & Hibernation – A Riddle

I’m cute and cuddly, without any fail

four legs, two ears and a useful tail.

I’m moving quite fast with barely a break

searching for food from seeds to a cake.


My nose it is constantly sniffing for something to eat

my feet never stand still, not on tree nor on street.

There are many of us in different sorts

we love playing, complaining and even play sports.


In autumn we’re eating, preparing to sleep

some food we do bury, sometimes too deep.

Even though we go sleeping when winters are cold

we are homeotherms, truth to be told.


Several homeotherms often share a cave or a den

we never sleep through winter, have to get up and then

trying to search the food in the ground

but sometimes we hid it too well, it was never found.


Up to two times a year our babies are born

we take care of them together, as it was sworn.

They come into this world, naked and blind

their fur non-existent, their paws intertwined.


We eat almost everything, hungry we are

for food we are running, not close but quite far.

up a tree and across fields, sometimes it needs guts

but the food we love most, are definitely nuts.


As cute as we are, please, don’t catch us in nets

we are wild animals and don’t make good pets!

I guess you know what we are and you’re not to blame

Let me introduce myself: Squirrel my name.


(Aurora Jean Alexander, Copyright December 2018)

Picture courtesy of: https://ind.pn/2EjWDjp