Author Spotlight – Alethea Kehas


1. When did you start writing?

I was a closet writer for most of my life. When I was a child and teen I would journal my thoughts, dreams, and other musings. Then, I would rip them up and throw them away so no one could see them.

2. What motivates you to write?

When I wrote my first book, my memoir, my motivation was to heal myself. Now, I write to help others heal and find their inner truths.

3. What genre do you write in and what made you chose this particular genre?

I write fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. At the moment, my focus is on my visionary fantasy series written for the middle-grade to adult audience.

4. What is your goal in writing? Do you have dreams where your writing should take you?

I did have a dream, a few years ago where I found myself on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday show (which I confess I don’t watch) with Elizabeth Gilbert. That’s always lingering in the back of my mind, but seriously, my main goal is for my writing to reach the eyes of those who might benefit from my words.

5. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block and if yes, how do you deal with it?

Not so much writer’s block as writer’s motivation. When I give myself time sit down and open myself up to the stories that want to come forth, they most often make their way onto the page without too much difficulty. I let my characters take over and discover from them, which means I sometimes have to do my research after I write the words. It makes the process fun and exciting, giving up the reins, so to speak. It’s like putting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle without ever looking at the picture on the box cover.

6. What advice would you like to give new, hopeful authors?

Write from the heart. Open yourself up to the stories tucked inside of you and write what wants to come forth. The rest can be figured out later.

7. Please, tell us about your work.

I have two published books so far, a memoir called A Girl Named Truth and the first book in my visionary fantasy series, The Labyrinth. My memoir is a journey of healing my truth and reuniting with my estranged father. The Labyrinth is book 1 in the Warriors of Light series and is part of a larger endeavor of empowering youth to find and embrace their inner gifts and truths through a metaphysical adventure with six shapeshifting teens who are tasked to repair the broken lines of light in Earth. There is a companion website,, and a monthly newsletter that allows kids and teens to deepen their exploration of self and life, while finding a safe and open community to be their authentic selves. I am starting to take it out into the word through workshops and events and hope to add some interactive games to the website in the future.

Thank you for being my guest. It was such a pleasure to have you here!!

Alethea Bio:

Alethea Kehas is the author of A Girl Named Truth and The Labyrinth. She has an MFA in creative writing from Goddard College and is the owner of Inner Truth Healing & Yoga. Once a year she follows her heart to the ancient lands of Albion and listens to the stories of the stones.

Connect with Alethea:

Author website:
Warriors of Light Club website:
Facebook Author Page:

Alethea’s Books:

The Labyrinth:




A Girl Named Truth:

26 thoughts on “Author Spotlight – Alethea Kehas

  1. What a great interview, was lovely learning more about Alethea. I think your advice is perfect, write from the heart. Definitely. Good luck with your fantasy series, I will be checking it out 😁

    Liked by 2 people

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