Author Spotlight – Bobby Nash


Please introduce yourself.

Hi. I’m Bobby Nash. I write novels, comic book, audio scripts, screenplays, and whatever else pops into my head. I work in multiple genres, but most of my work falls in the thriller and crime fiction camp.

1.            When did you start writing?

I dabbled in writing and drawing comic book stories as a kid and into my teenage years. I also write and drew for the high school newspaper and yearbook. I also supplied comic strips to a local magazine that ran for twelve years. I turned my family into comic strip characters. That was fun. Eventually, I realized that while I enjoyed drawing, my art was not up to professional standards, so I focused on writing and eventually sold my first story to a publisher. In my 20’s, the idea for a novel hit me and I tried it. I finished a story, and it was awful, but I enjoyed writing it, so I did another, which wasn’t horrible. Eventually, it found a publisher. Evil Ways debuted in 2005 and I’ve been busy ever since.

2.            What motivates you to write?

Part of my motivation is to tell the stories. I do enjoy coming up with characters and plots and seeing how they work out, solving problems, and getting to know the characters. That’s what motivated me to start and it is still part of me. Now that writing is my job, deadlines motivate me. Deadlines are a huge part of my daily routine. When writing was a hobby, I could wait for the muse to strike, but as a career, I have to put my butt in the chair every day and write, even on those days I don’t feel like it.

3.            What genre do you write in and what made you chose this particular genre?

I am lucky in that I have been able to play in multiple genres. I like writing sci-fi, horror, super-powered characters, action, adventure, pulp, westerns, and more. Most of what I write falls into the crime fiction and thriller category. I love these types of stories as a reader and writer. I also integrate action into my stories. That’s just fun.

4.            What is your goal in writing? Do you have dreams where your writing should take you?

A few years ago, writing became my “day job” and I am fortunate to be able to write for a living. It’s not a wildly luxurious living, but I get by. I have many goals. I set attainable goals. Some are simple like “finish this story on time” while others are more long term like “I want to be a New York Times Bestselling Author” one day. Another goal is to reach more readers and introduce them to my work. I do a lot of things to try and reach new audiences.

5.            Do you ever suffer from writer’s block and if yes, how do you deal with it?

No. I almost always know what I need to write. There are times when I get stuck on a story point, but that’s not writer’s block. When that happens, I jump over to another story while my subconscious works the problem on the other story. What I do run into from time to time is that there are days when I just don’t feel like writing. Like any other job, there are days you’d just rather do anything else. That’s not writer’s block, but it is a hurdle I have to overcome. I schedule days off because we all need to rest and recharge. I can’t take off too many though. Those deadlines are still hanging out there and need to be met.

A friend once said of writer’s block, “Plumbers don’t get plumber’s block. Drivers don’t get driver’s block. Painters don’t get painter’s block. So, why should writers get writer’s block?” In any job, you can’t just stop. I agree with him. You have to keep working.

6.            What advice would you like to give new, hopeful authors?

First and foremost, I always stress that you should have fun with your writing. If it’s not fun, you’re going to end up resenting it and stop or your work will suffer because you aren’t enjoying what you do. That’s step one.

Determine where you want your writing to take you. Not everyone wants to write for a living. Some are happy to write as a hobby. Others do it as a side hustle. Once you determine the path that is best for you as a writer, set attainable goals to help get you there. Goal #1 can’t be “become New York Times Bestselling Author.” You need to have other goals like finish a story, finish a novel, write X number of words a day, things like that. Then, when you meet those goals, celebrate them. They are a big deal.

7.            Please, tell us about your work.

I write a few different series that come out at varying intervals. My crime fiction/thrillers from BEN Books are my main series.

Snow is an action/thriller about a former undercover government operative turned p.i. There are currently 6 novellas in the Snow series. They are also collected in 2 collected editions. There are also 7 Snow Shorts, $.99 ebooks available as well. More to come in 2022. I’m currently working on Snow Hunt, book 7 in the series.

FBI Special Agent Harold Palmer headlines Evil Ways (my first published novel) and the upcoming Evil Intent (January 2022). These are suspense/thrillers. I’m already planning a third book for 2023.

Homicide Detective John Bartlett and reporter Benjamin West don’t really like each other, but their jobs keep bringing them together against cold-blooded killers looking for their time in the spotlight. Deadly Games! is their first action/thriller. They return in Deadly Deals! later in 2022.

Tom Myers is the sheriff of Sommersville, Georgia, a growing county east of Atlanta. Evil Ways and Deadly Games! took place in Sommersville and now the sheriff and his deputies have their own series at last. There are currently 2 books in this mystery/thriller series: In The Wind and Such A Night. Book 3: Standing on The Shadows is slated for summer 2022.

Other ongoing titles include the pulp/action of Lance Star: Sky Ranger, the comedy/horror of Hunter Houston: Horror Hunter, and more. I also write the occasional media tie-in work, which is always fun.

Thank you for being my guest. It was such a pleasure to have you here!!

My pleasure. Thanks for having me. This was fun.

Meet Bobby:

Bobby Nash is not a man of action, a detective, or a hero, but he loves writing about characters who are all those things and more. Bobby is an award-winning author of novels, comic books, short stories, screenplays, and more. He is a member of the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers and International Thriller Writers. On occasion, he acts, appearing in movies and TV shows, usually standing behind or beside your favorite actor. From time to time, he puts pen to paper and doodles. For more information on Bobby Nash and his work, please visit him at,, and across social media.

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