Bounty Hunter’s First 5-Star Review

I’m dancing and jumping around in excitement about the wonderful first 5-star review my new release ‘Bounty Hunter’ got yesterday! This is thrilling! Thanks for such an amazing review! I’m over the top happy that the book is liked!


Archangel Centriel is having a bad day so it was suggested that he get out and fly,
something that he excels at. After a while he sits on a rock and looks out around him only to find a man running with a beautiful woman right behind. Centriel recognizes that the man is not human and when he gets down on his knees begging not to be killed his true appearance of a minotaur shows.

Simin Arnatt is a bounty hunter with secrets and once again Centriel knows he is not dealing with a mortal but is unable to detect what she truly is. The connection between the two of them is instant and Centriel realizes without a doubt that he has found his consort. She can hear his thoughts and touch his soul.

Now that Simin’s assignment is over Centriel takes her on a holiday to Bali where they can get to know each other better. The vacation is cut short when she is called for a new assignment, one ordered by Beelzebub. Rapha Golden, a demon has disappeared and Beelzebub wants him back. Zepheira is the best demon tracker and agrees to help since everyone knows that Simin is Centriel’s girl.

Knowing that this would not be an easy case since Rapha is a shadow and hard to track down both Zye and Simin are shocked when he turns himself in asking for asylum. He wants to turn to the good side and defect but is he telling the truth it will be up to the archangels to find out.

I loved the bond that Simin and Centriel formed and her acceptance by everyone else as a part of the family. Of course we touch base with other archangels and their consorts that we met previously which was nice and we still get a follow up on Sundance. I would suggest that this series be read in order just for your own enjoyment.

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