Author Spotlight – Ann Chiappetta


1. When did you start writing?
I began writing as soon as I could read. I drew picture books first, then a diary, and wrote stories with other friends.

2. What motivates you to write?
I am motivated by a creative desire; I used to draw and center my creativity visually. After I lost my sight, I learned to focus on literary creativity.

3. What genre do you write in and what made you chose this particular genre?
I am a poet first; however, I write fiction and nonfiction, too. Writing short stories and essays challenge me the most. I am drawn to writing about the human condition and emotions.

4. What is your goal in writing? Do you have dreams where your writing should take you?
My goal since the printing of my first book in 2016 is to self-publish one book every two years, more frequently, if possible. I am very happy about being able to finally accomplish this goal. When I was younger and struggling with creating good writing, I never thought my words would ever be printed. Over time, as my work was included in journals and other magazines, I realized my dream would come true one day as long as I worked hard enough to achieve it.

5. Do you ever suffer from writer’s block and if yes, how do you deal with it?
Yes, I sometimes suffer from a form of it. For me, it is more like I have exhausted myself with a piece of writing and just need to set it on the back burner and allow it to percolate. I haven’t ever had a complete paralyzing form of writer’s block, though — I still write email, reviews, and other projects to keep this from happening. The muscle won’t shrink or cramp if it is stretched and used.

6. What advice would you like to give new, hopeful authors?
Read, write, then read and write some more. The writing muscle has to be developed over time and the investment of practice will pay off as long as the writer is consistent and purposeful. Only the lucky few actually land a traditional book deal. If you write well, have a great literary support system and dedicate yourself to improving the craft, people will notice and read your work. I save each and every email from folks who have read my books and send a note. This is what I love the most, those sincere and meaningful notes from readers.

Thank you for being my guest, Ann. It was a pleasure having you here.

Connect with Ann:

Twitter: AnnieDungarees

Ann’s Books:

C 2019 by Ann Chiappetta

Buyer’s link: Amazon

About the Book

In this new collection of poems, essays, and flash fiction, the author once again exhibits her ability to write about both the light and dark sides of life. There are numerous poems and stories about nature: its kindness, cruelty, and wonder. There are frank expressions of the sadness and frustration she felt at the progressive loss of her eyesight and a poem about the social isolation that disability can bring. Other pieces, though, sing of joys as diverse as family closeness, the love of dogs, the delights of scents, and the power of the muse. Just as in her first volume of poetry, Upwelling: Poems (2016), there is no fluff here. To read Ann Chiappetta’s works is to feel them deeply, appreciate them mightily, and remember them forever.

From the Introduction

While it is my hope that all the pieces in this book resonate with my readers, I have my favorites. Some of the poems have been previously published; all reflect what lies within. This volume is accented with a few photographs. As I lose the last vestiges of my vision, bringing a meaningful visual array to this collection seems imperative. Finally, dear reader, I want to share the prose that reflects the way I’ve lived my creative life.

If just one poem or essay resonates with you, I have accomplished the purpose. For a moment, as the eye reads and the brain interprets, the reader slips into the shoes of the writer. This is the true spirit of what it means to be creative, open, to offer the emotions in such a way as to give another person the opportunity to appreciate the writer’s experience with the words of life.


Upwelling: Poems (2016)

Buyer’s link: Amazon






Follow Your Dog: A Story of Love and Trust (2017)

Buyer’s link: Amazon


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