20 Book Marketing Ideas That Take 10 Minutes Or Less – Written By Jenn Hanson-DePaula

Jenn Hanson-DePaula of Mixtus Media provides us with 20 book marketing ideas that don’t take too much time. I’m sure I’m not the only one grateful for this information. Thank you Jenn!

If there is one common thread that runs through every author it’s this: we don’t have enough time!

Sometimes when we see a huge task ahead of us, like book marketing, we tend to focus on it as a whole. And that can be overwhelming – which can make many of us put it off for another day, or just give up on it all together.

But when we break it down a bit, there is actually a lot we can get done in just a few minutes a day.

So I thought I would share some tasks that take 10 minutes or less that will vastly improve your book marketing.

These are tasks that can be done quickly during your lunch break, while you’re waiting in line to pick up your kids from school, or even during commercials breaks while watching your favorite show. It helps you get things done – and each task usually takes less time than you thought.

  1. Research hashtags. Think about keywords your ideal reader would use to find your book. For example, #ya, #mysterybooks or #novels. When you search that hashtag, more suggestions will be offered. Keep a running list of those hashtags and start using them in your posts or start liking and commenting on posts that use those hashtags as well. Your engagement and audience will grow! You can get your list started by downloading our free hashtag list.

Continue reading the entire blog post HERE



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